2002/8/3 San Rafael, CA MP3 Workshop Recording

2002/8/3 San Rafael, CA MP3 Workshop Recording

Code: I_8_3_02_DIG-DLDzip



Product Details

This is a downloadable audio file of the seminar held on 8/3/02 in a MP3 format.

To tell the truth, or feel good? An Elderly New Ager considers valve closers. Not stuck with illness she doesn't resist? Why are his dreams no longer uplifting? The egg or the chicken; which came first? What's best for smart, advanced children? Should they seek out their core beliefs?

Included in album Fall, 2002.

Topics Include:
  • How can I change my unconscious core beliefs?
  • Can I make peace with where I am and not get stuck there?
  • How can I focus more on valve opening things?
  • What are my dreams telling me?
  • What guidance are Indigo children here to give us?
  • Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

See our tutorials on how to unzip a digital MP3 recording for: Windows IE, Mac OS Safari, or Mac OS Firefox.