2004/4/25 Asheville, NC MP3 Complete Workshop Recording
Code: M_4_25_04_DIG-DLDzip
Product Details
This is a four-hour downloadable audio file of the complete seminar held on 4/25/2004 in a MP3 format.
CD ONE22:00 Only you can know your personal truth. 18:00 Is there access to bliss from this? 12:00 She is considering distributing health care products. 6:40 Was Alzheimered father's Source Energy sucked away? 11:26 Loves her carbs but not her weight.
15:00 Is his Oneness interest attracting more contrast? 2:30 Does lack of forgiveness hold him back? 13:11 Works as mentor to a handicapped adult. 6:30 Advertising dollars are short for fledgling magazine. 2:54 How can editor graciously reject unsolicited writers? 9:33 Will her little dog, Cricket, ever return? 8:46 His triad of pleasure, abundance & Well-Being? 4:30 He's having fun with his sexual perspectives. 4:56 Desire feels strong, but body feels weak. (Cont'd.)
(Cont'd.) 23:00 Desire feels strong, but body feels weak. 3:30 He's beginning to appreciate the contrast earlier. 12:00 Do desires take on their own momentum? 3:30 When an event evokes a foreboding feeling? 7:20 Specific religions as perfect for specific participants? 7:30 Why do some children attract physical abuse? 11:44 How could we deal with hidden memories?
7:00 His new self is a different person. 2:48 Are our past dormant creations still lurking? 1:00 Has Abraham ever spoken through any others? 3:30 She has read some pretty scary things. 3:30 What about those other conflicting Nonphysical teachers? 1:45 What's Critical Mass response to Abraham's teachings? 10:05 Can corporation be too focused on profits? 2:10 What is my purpose for being here? 7:30 Has problem with producing within timed framework. 11:46 Considering a process for healing one's health. 9:29 Town house rules her cat must remain indoors. 1:12 Why does Earth's beauty bring her to tears? 10:52 How much can mother's "allowing" heal daughter? 1:00 Abraham closes the Asheville, North Carolina Workshop.
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