2005/1/8-A Tampa, FL MP3 Workshop Recording
Code: I_1_8_05A_DIG-DLDzip
Product Details
This is a downloadable audio file of the seminar held on 1/8/2005 in a MP3 format.
Hate and bombs wont control conditions. Could his taxes be supporting another Hitler? Deaths, whether manmade or by natural disasters? Arent we guided away from unwanted deaths? How can I respond to suicidal Beings. Has a history of suicidal bipolar depression. Shes a family physician, now teaching wellness.Included in album Spring, 2005.
Topics Include:
- How can I support the troops and be in alignment with Source?
- Why did so many people choose to leave in the tsunami?
- Do we attract natural disasters with our negative thinking?
- How can I change my history of bipolar depression and suicidal feelings?
- How can I, as a physician, change my focus to seeing wellness?
- What can I say to a person who wants to take their own life?
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