2006/5/21 Tarrytown, NY MP3 Complete Workshop Recording

2006/5/21 Tarrytown, NY MP3 Complete Workshop Recording

Code: M_5_21_06_DIG-DLDzip



Product Details

This is a four-hour downloadable audio file of the complete seminar held on 5/21/2006 in a MP3 format.

13:10 Another perspective of Going With the Flow. 10:30 Getting up to speed with your becoming. 16:00 Source is calling your down the Stream. 18:12 Your canoe is here, so now what? 10:46 How can one focus only on preferences?
24:50 Child can no longer speak or respond. 17:12 Artist wants clay creations in the Flow. 8:00 Is there value in her metaphysical symbols? 8:36 In helping others, is she neglecting herself? 8:40 Adjusting to others deaths hasnt soothed her.
6:20 How do expectations flow with our creations? 5:47 Isnt emotional pain more than a perception? 15:23 Students attention-grabbing disrupts this teachers flow. 5:24 Safe, aggressive driver has two fender-benders? 3:39 Suicidal movie turned his joy to pain. 3:30 You do have control over your feelings. 4:35 Are feelings of unworthiness causing financial lack? 15:50 Starting over, after a near-croaking-experience? 1:00 They dont (and cant) know for you. 5:12 Some of her teachers discourage personal gratification.
11:30 To become more joyous working at hospitals? 10:20 Is trying too hard her manifestational road-block? 8:20 Shouldnt she take action when facing emergencies? 7:40 Are fatter and broker in the Flow? 14:00 Musician wants more consistency in Creative Flow. 3:05 We, as the Leading Edge of Source? 5:00 Staying medicated, as part of the Flow? 6:30 When we want to right wrong things? 4:00 Abraham closes the Tarrytown NY Workshop.

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