2008/1/12 San Diego, CA MP3 Complete Workshop Recording

2008/1/12 San Diego, CA MP3 Complete Workshop Recording

Code: M_1_12_08_DIG-DLDzip



Product Details

This is a four-hour downloadable audio file of the complete seminar held on 1/12/2008 in a MP3 format.

9:00 Why most dont change patterns of thought. 4:45 Why is hating my enemy so counterproductive? 6:00 You live at the leading-edge of thought. 7:30 Do you understand the frequency of thought? 10:00 When beating the drums of not enough. 1:00 Figuring our careers out as we go. 9:22 She feels snagged on intentions of others.
18:15 She wants to save future generations legacy. 10:00 To understand our physical/Nonphysical connection? 1:00 Turn it all over to the Universe. 9:40 His children want a dog; now what? 1:30 Are Abrahams responses to questioners only? 10:00 Are his ringing ears telling him something? 2:42 Why does joyous music make him cry?
9:37 Family doctor has questions regarding suppressed emotions. 24:19 Shes having disturbing out of control dreams. 2:30 What does your workplace feel like? 20:25 From 17 seconds to 68 seconds to...?
0:49 Its time to tell a new story. 8:30 After HIV diagnosis, hes in health again. 5:00 Will grieving over lovers death never end? 2:05 Seeing beauty through the eyes of Source. 22:00 What if she hates her daughters father? 11:11 Has concerns regarding her new business venture. 5:10 Abraham closes the San Diego CA Workshop.

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