3 CD Album, Denver, CO 6/11/16
Code: F1620
Product Details
DENVER, CO — 6/11/16
CD 1
1. 6/11/16-1 Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:07)
2. The happy group welcomes Esther. (0:53)
3. You get what you focus on. (5:06)
4. Sustaining well-being. (5:32)
5. Having more confidence. (11:45)
6. The five steps. (1:37)
7. Utilizing guidance. (8:38)
8. Your inner being's view. (14:25)
9. Parental advice. (4:29)
10. Interpreting impulses. (10:17)
CD 2
1. 6/11/16-2 Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:08)
2. The horse has its own idea. (5:15)
3. Burnt out on her work. (18:55)
4. Soul mates and twin flames. (2:58)
5. Staying in the Vortex. (5:54)
6. Everyone has access to this. (2:00)
7. Things are working out for him. (4:27)
8. Kids get it. (1:38)
9. Abraham's humor. (2:53)
10. Everyone's bipolar to some degree. (1:28)
11. It's working out for me and you. (5:01)
CD 3
1. 6/11/16-3 Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:08)
2. Getting into focus. (8:40)
3. His baby aligns him. (6:13)
4. You choose your family. (1:05)
5. Nothing wrong with ego. (2:14)
6. Instant manifestation? (1:07)
7. Beasts are more general. (1:40)
8. Making a big decision. (2:56)
9. Post-croaking interest. (4:20)
10. Homeless shelter or yacht? (3:05)
11. Issues with her husband. (8:16)
12. Finding balance and more. (14:43)
13. Denver workshop close. (4:35)