3 CD Album, Portland, OR 06/09/18
Code: F1815
Product Details
Portland, OR 6/9/18
1. 6/9/18-1 Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:00)
2. The happy group welcomes Esther. (0:37)
3. Matching up with your desires. (6:24)
4. Your vibrational mix. (5:51)
5. Are your beliefs in the way? (5:04)
6. Moving toward satisfaction. (6:24)
7. Replacing capitalism? (16:19)
8. Seth and Abraham teachings. (7:13)
9. Delayed reactions? (8:56)
CD 2
1. 6/9/18-2 Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:00)
2. Bringing about social changes. (16:43)
3. Meditation and more. (9:15)
4. Moving forward with her project. (2:54)
5. She's feeling tired meditating. (5:42)
6. Animals are more about step 3. (3:08)
7. Making the most of contrast. (8:05)
8. Some life guidance for her. (11:01)
CD 3
1. 6/9/18-3 Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:00)
2. A soft and gentle touch. (5:54)
3. Finding satisfaction in her situation. (14:13)
4. How to drop her resistance? (9:54)
5. Is it mother karma? (12:57)
6. Loving the tough ones. (6:24)
7. Portland workshop close. (1:39)