3 CD Album, Seattle, WA 06/16/18
Code: F1816
Product Details
Seattle, WA — 06/16/18
CD 1
1. 6/16/18-1 Abraham-Hicks Publications (0:59)
2. The happy group welcomes Esther. (0:46)
3. New desires, old beliefs. (6:09)
4. Why are you here? (6:24)
5. Co-creating and mutuality. (21:01)
6. Our influence in the world. (7:34)
7. Her son wants perfection. (12:01)
8. A quick story. (2:30)
CD 2
1. 6/16/18 Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:00)
2. Finding balance. (5:03)
3. Least resistance or most allowance? (9:43)
4. Laughter and the departed. (17:56)
5. Mom has one year to live. (11:42)
6. Conclusions that don't serve you. (7:37)
7. Dreams and Non-physical. (8:19)
CD 3
1. 6/16/18-3 Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:00)
2. Letting go of resentment. (9:12)
3. How weird should he be? (24:41)
4. He changed his mind. (8:06)
5. There is no law of assertion. (7:30)
6. A bird's-eye view. (5:28)
7. Seattle workshop close. (1:40)