3 CD Album, Boca Raton, FL 3/24/12
Code: F1207
Product Details
Boca Raton, FL 3/24/12
Disc 1
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:18)
2. Esther joins the happy Boca Raton group. (1:12)
3. Want and believe it and it's done. (2:37)
4. Many are vibrationally discordant to desire. (3:09)
5. All Nonphysical consciousness is focused forward. (2:59)
6. Your leading-edge focus belongs to Nonphysical too. (3:42)
7. The leading edge is where stuff manifests. (3:22)
8. Are some limited in good-feeling capacity? (9:27)
9. Live and let live while offering alignment example. (1:03)
10. Abraham disagrees that she is a general focuser. (1:41)
11. Establish a solid grid that will fill in. (13:22)
12. You had intentions before this physical birth. (8:01)
13. This is his jam with Infinite Intelligence. (4:47)
14. Abraham is exhilarated at first time explanation. (0:50)
15. How will physical look when I am nonphysical? (6:37)
Disc 2
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:19)
2. How does nonphysical see our vast Universe? (6:25)
3. What is Jerry's awareness in Esther's life now? (2:12)
4. You have access to those who are nonphysical. (1:44)
5. How was the Law of Attraction established? (3:04)
6. There is a wonderful leverage in alignment. (4:21)
7. When speaking of forward Abraham means now. (4:14)
8. Negative emotion indicates self deprivation of Source. (0:52)
9. Forgiveness is giving up justification of misalignment. (2:26)
10. He coaches elite athletes in quantum physics. (5:46)
11. Earth physics will cooperate with aligned thought. (2:20)
12. What causes tipping point for the winner? (4:45)
13. You never stop continuing your physical focus. (2:06)
14. Singer wants to be full creative package. (2:30)
15. When it feel like it was meant to be. (2:10)
16. Conscious focusing restores your sense of worthiness. (1:51)
17. Loves evidence of her long time knowing. (11:11)
Disc 3
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:18)
2. His 42 properties didn't bring finances or freedom? (11:49)
3. Abraham guides professor in deliberate grid creation. (6:33)
4. "Not my work to fill in my grid." (5:42)
5. Abraham blends placemat process with grid process. (1:45)
6. Jerry suggests, "Let the wobbly plates fall." (4:03)
7. Grid demonstration moved her and wowed her. (4:11)
8. Wants to help her son feel free too. (5:06)
9. You control your interactive experience with all. (4:34)
10. What is Abraham's prediction regarding year 2012? (2:34)
11. What is Abraham's definition of a personality? (4:28)
12. Staying central to your well-being is enough. (4:19)
13. After croaking how soon do I come back? (1:46)
14. Participating here today leaves you forever changed. (4:03)