3 CD Album, Chicago, IL 9/10/11
Code: F1132
Product Details
Chicago, IL 9/10/11
CD 1
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:52)
2. A part of you Eternally broadcasts a signal. (5:53)
3. You live for those moments of highs. (14:13)
4. You can manifest the feeling right now. (5:02)
5. Your creative Vortex is a Vibrational place. (5:51)
6. Your attention to it keeps it active. (11:42)
7. From Source's perspective, is our reality real? (10:51)
8. When disregarding facts in his intuitive decisions? (5:54)
CD 2
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:12)
2. Do you want to feel better now? (4:13)
3. He doesn't (does) want to be here. (9:28)
4. What's worse than disapproval from the others? (19:14)
5. Wants a new level of understanding intentions. (11:24)
6. Do we set forth intentions from Nonphysical? (7:48)
7. How can he unlock the brilliance of all? (4:44)
CD 3
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:12)
2. Could Law of Attraction bring things un-thought-of? (10:15)
3. He loves to play parking space games. (9:14)
4. He has a question about Blended Beings? (6:38)
5. Child wants healthy skin and happy world. (10:12)
6. How can she achieve United States citizenship? (2:38)
7. Her mourning family does not understand Abraham's teachings. (4:29)
8. His writings are inspired by loving feelings. (3:29)
9. A question about his personal Spiritual Guide. (4:46)
10. He has a question about his conscious meditation. (11:21)
11. Abraham closes the Chicago, IL Global Broadcast. (1:17)