3 CD Album, San Antonio, TX 11/10/12
Code: F1234
Product Details
San Antonio, TX 11/10/12
Disc 1
1. Abraham Hicks Publications (1:23)
2. Esther joins the happy San Antonio group. (0:49)
3. Source heard what you heard but still loves. (7:04)
4. You came for the experience of more. (5:43)
5. Negative emotion is not a bad thing. (2:26)
6. "As above, so below," relationship to Abraham? (10:07)
7. So obligation doesn't need to be a consideration? (1:26)
8. His question is about drama and extreme contrast. (12:43)
9. She asks Abraham for definition of self realization. (6:01)
10. Becoming aware of the total self that is you. (5:08)
11. Important to know that all action is reaction. (4:27)
12. Felt like a mistake but lead to desire. (4:34)
Disc 2
1. Abraham Hicks Publications. (1:23)
2. He has a misunderstanding about worthiness? (6:34)
3. How to leave desires alone to allow them? (8:47)
4. Can talk radio host maintain alignment amidst conflict? (9:02)
5. Why do famous people gain approval after death? (2:21)
6. Please discuss December 21st and Mayan calendar ending. (1:31)
7. Her mate continues to attract negative things. (6:03)
8. 12-year-old adopted son has learning disabilities. (10:13)
9. So many children with labels of ADHD & Aspergers. (2:37)
10. She's nurse, dorm mother in prison psych ward... (13:16)
Disc 3
1. Abraham Hicks Publications (1:23)
2. Her daughter is unable to get pregnant. (5:41)
3. Why creative ideas flow when showering or flying. (1:40)
4. How to distinguish difference between Source and Ego? (8:09)
5. Investment counselor wants to soothe clients post election. (6:26)
6. Pushing against unfaithful prevents faithful from coming. (2:14)
7. Is it possible to give birth to new souls? (1:06)
8. She feels she's losing her mother to dementia. (3:58)
9. Hard to choose since all things are possible. (11:36)
10. He feels better but friends are going away. (5:03)
11. Abraham clarifies Napoleon Hill's Sexual Transmutation chapter. (3:27)
12. She felt she was tuned into wrong vibration. (8:05)
13. Abraham closes the San Antonio workshop. (1:15)