4 CD Album, Asheville, NC 11/1/09
Code: F0946
Product Details
4:00 Your attention to it attracts its essence. 8:00 Are you nonchalantly brushing off unwanted thoughts. 5:10 With the problem, the solution always came. 5:00 Leverage your time by becoming forward-feeling. 4:00 Does Abraham compete for human interaction? 3:00 When he dies will he be Abraham? 5:36 What influence does Esther have on Abraham? 3:18 For teaching, does Abraham deliberately entertain us? 7:14 As a supervisor, he must evaluate others. 3:14 Are these gypsies running out of steam? 10:54 To forward-feel into his Vortex?
9:31 Train yourself to always feel it forward. 5:31 Teacher_s present thoughts, derail her forward feelings. 4:39 Are some horses better healers than people? 11:47 If G-rated child wants R-rated movie? 6:13 What is meant by _We_re all one_? 1:00 But what about the first rooster chicken? 5:20 From parents, we learn behavior, not emotions. 8:27 He wants a personal _meditation for dummies._
8:05 Daughter_s call abetted Dad_s hot seat access. 5:19 Would Abraham please write a _teaching_ book? 2:00 He intends to uplift while evaluating staff. 10:16 His organization isn_t up to his creativity. 14:50 To rise above previously believed flawed premises? 8:40 Psychiatrist is working on always feeling forward. 9:40 If child is shunned by playmates parent?
1:49 Why desire manifested after no longer wanted. 3:47 Is healthcare job still right for her? 3:00 What_s Abraham_s take on _past-life readings_? 10:10 What to do with her gift horse? 2:20 What if we would mimic the beasts? 7:55 Businessman_s _leap of faith_ regains his trust. 7:18 Is _wouldn_t it be great if? enough? 6:45 How can he stop resisting his meditations. 2:00 Why alcohol makes some happy vs. sad. 6:51 Doesn_t following one_s spending impulses contradict abundance. 5:41 At times, angry thoughts invade his meditations. 7:00 Abraham closes the Asheville NC Sunday workshop.