4 CD Album, Asheville, NC 5/4/07

4 CD Album, Asheville, NC 5/4/07

Code: F0712



Product Details

10:53 The Expanded You is worth it. 2:22 Another look at “Ask and It’s Given.” 5:30 Whose ideas about you are appropriate? 9:28 Your appreciation will help close the gap. 7:51 When the solution arrives before the problem? 4:28 Since I can’t control others, now what? 17:20 Seek first, your alignment with you. 8:20 Does our attention to Master’s influence them?
4:00 “Dream Work” as a group process? 7:30 What about incubating vivid recurring dreams? 8:50 She wants to teach Abraham’s dreams perspectives. 10:06 “Trying” to attract a relationship, as counterproductive. 12:10 Her right to choose errant son’s behavior? 4:50 Why is grandfather’s clock winding down earlier? 3:44 Care more about your own personal gap. 10:00 Only when alone does she feel aligned.
4:02 The cause of nature’s beautiful colors and patterns? 7:00 Shouldn’t psychics be accurate the first reading? 10:44 Intelligent friends are warning her about 2012. 2:36 He really enjoys the “Hell yes!” moment. 3:20 Has Mother Nature any land use intentions? 1:00 Jerry is drawn to happy past-indian villages. 2:11 When 15, he spoke with Jesus Christ. 3:18 Life’s great, but he wants more freedom. 1:00 Why three adults give three different answers? 2:00 Was daughter predestined to be a healer? 19:00 Natural health care practitioner’s high blood pressure? 6:50 How can she travel with this child?
9:30 Does noticing lack of intensity attract more? 10:00 He wanted to be an Abraham example. 8:00 Could he win big in every Casino? 7:34 He championed an unfavorable issue at work. 3:14 A specific time to remain in Nonphysical? 14:00 He lived years of lack of Well-Being. 4:40 He’s asking for evidence to go on. 9:00 You’re “movie’s” going to turn out good.