4 CD Album, Atlanta, GA 11/7/09
Code: F0950
Product Details
10:00 Abraham opens the Atlanta Georgia, Saturday Workshop. 18:00 Look, right now, for things to appreciate. 7:16 Whatever you_re now living is old news. 4:44 Hooked on the feeling of the Vortex. 8:26 If _love_ feelings lead to _shame_ feelings? 14:00 Home Owners Association_s stupid rules disturb him.
(Cont_d) 21:53 Home Owners Association_s stupid rules disturb him. 18:43 Eleven year old daughter feels terrorized over school work. 3:16 There is a power in your imagination. 18:43 Physics, a translation of perception of reality?
12:00 He wants his desire to manifest quickly. 2:50 Why would Marilyn Monroe not be happy? 1:30 Could Abraham be called _Ascended Cosmic Beings_? 6:40 How could abundant animals ever become extinct? 7:53 A bounce from son_s car crash death? 10:00 Are anxiety-free drunks in the Vortex? 6:00 Does entering the Vortex ever get easier? 12:38 Can she, some day, die consciously and healthily?
8:13 She has a question about substance addictions. 6:23 What to do in a moment of anxiety? 18:20 When borrowing friends say _I_ll repay you_? 13:07 Can she learn to appreciate disempowering sexual abuse? 9:15 Still trying to fix an unfixable relationship? 1:25 What_s her _House For Sale_ sign saying? 1:00 Abraham closes the Atlanta, Georgia, Saturday workshop.