4 CD Album, Billings, MT 6/21/03
Code: F0322
Product Details
25:06 Learning to make the best of it. 7:00 Does fullness of moon affect his crankiness? 7:00 How did humans get on this earth? 5:00 Has our future somehow already been created? 3:30 Can we get into the future now? 12:26 Regarding the replenishment of aberraant skin cells? 4:00 "Clean my teeth, then leave me alone." 2:30 When the doctors discover your amazing body. 5:00 Why didn't his Guides come to observe?
5:08 He wants a path to clearer Blending. 10:00 What's changed regarding subjugated desires? 12:50 How to accelerate the 17 second process? 7:16 She wants clearer evidence of Nonphysical Guidance. 12:30 Visualize for the joy of visualizing. 7:00 Stop fearing horses, or stop riding horseback? 13:00 Disappointment and fear led to her anger. 2:00 The case of a fearless, toothless cowboy. 3:28 Her mother had a hard time dying. (Cont'd.)
(Cont'd) 1:29 Her mother had a hard time dying. 8:37 What difference does the pleasure source make? 6:00 She has questions about her precognitive dreams. 2:46 Any distinction between Goddess and God Energy? 4:00 Do people ever get stuck in limbo? 3:00 To stay connected when with disconnected others? 4:08 She feels controlled by her child's condition. 3:16 Do we have pre-life agreements regarding interaction? 6:31 Has passion for actors and Ascended Masters. 9:19 Her work is to alleviate other's pain. 2:59 She's still ofttimes beset with physical pain. (Cont'd.)
(Cont'd) 13:34 She's still ofttimes beset with physical pain. 5:06 So, why does she have menopausal problems? 12:10 How can she change family's ingrained expectations. 12:17 Her legless mother believes in genetic contagion. 6:17 She awakens with a strange visceral sensation. 7:19 When failing to speak at opportune times? 6:00 What's happening to us while we're sleeping. 5:37 To get the right mate, this time? 3:11. Abraham closes this intense Billings, Montana Workshop.
25:06 Learning to make the best of it. 7:00 Does fullness of moon affect his crankiness? 7:00 How did humans get on this earth? 5:00 Has our future somehow already been created? 3:30 Can we get into the future now? 12:26 Regarding the replenishment of aberraant skin cells? 4:00 "Clean my teeth, then leave me alone." 2:30 When the doctors discover your amazing body. 5:00 Why didn't his Guides come to observe?
5:08 He wants a path to clearer Blending. 10:00 What's changed regarding subjugated desires? 12:50 How to accelerate the 17 second process? 7:16 She wants clearer evidence of Nonphysical Guidance. 12:30 Visualize for the joy of visualizing. 7:00 Stop fearing horses, or stop riding horseback? 13:00 Disappointment and fear led to her anger. 2:00 The case of a fearless, toothless cowboy. 3:28 Her mother had a hard time dying. (Cont'd.)
(Cont'd) 1:29 Her mother had a hard time dying. 8:37 What difference does the pleasure source make? 6:00 She has questions about her precognitive dreams. 2:46 Any distinction between Goddess and God Energy? 4:00 Do people ever get stuck in limbo? 3:00 To stay connected when with disconnected others? 4:08 She feels controlled by her child's condition. 3:16 Do we have pre-life agreements regarding interaction? 6:31 Has passion for actors and Ascended Masters. 9:19 Her work is to alleviate other's pain. 2:59 She's still ofttimes beset with physical pain. (Cont'd.)
(Cont'd) 13:34 She's still ofttimes beset with physical pain. 5:06 So, why does she have menopausal problems? 12:10 How can she change family's ingrained expectations. 12:17 Her legless mother believes in genetic contagion. 6:17 She awakens with a strange visceral sensation. 7:19 When failing to speak at opportune times? 6:00 What's happening to us while we're sleeping. 5:37 To get the right mate, this time? 3:11. Abraham closes this intense Billings, Montana Workshop.