4 CD Album, Boca Raton, FL 12/13/03
Code: F0346
Product Details
43:20 It is vibration; It is all vibration. 24:04 Wants to simultaneously focus on many things. 4:31 Daughter, fiance and grandbaby are depressing grandmother.
34:00 Daughter, fiance and grandbaby are depressing grandmother. 4:00 Isn't there a better purpose than joy? 2:00 Do we not come with pre-incarnate goals? 14:44 After a brief period of financial abundance? 7:23 Did home-based Thought Forms confront them? 11:42 She wants a lover, but without bondage.
12:00 The beginning of us, as a race? 6:44 She has questions concerning Lemuria and Atlantis. 18:35 To receive the "impersonal" as something personal? 4:25 Can my desire be equated with fear? 13:20 His morning focus wanes during the day. 9:10 To have fuzzier feelings around Source Energy? 7:00 Why doesn't Esther remain in the Abraham mode?
16:20 Abraham clarifies some questions regarding Seth's teachings. 4:53 How would one measure our Thought Energy? 2:20 Jerry and Esther enjoy Maui invitation. 7:00 Wanting to align his body with joy. 4:18 Will health, wealth and relationships bring joy? 2:22 Are we destined toward a higher consciousness? 21:00 Overwhelmed at work, but can't delegate. 7:32 Where, in manifestation, do my dreams fit? 4:08 Who selected her, Abraham or her Guides? 1:26 Abraham closes the Boca Raton Florida Workshop.
43:20 It is vibration; It is all vibration. 24:04 Wants to simultaneously focus on many things. 4:31 Daughter, fiance and grandbaby are depressing grandmother.
34:00 Daughter, fiance and grandbaby are depressing grandmother. 4:00 Isn't there a better purpose than joy? 2:00 Do we not come with pre-incarnate goals? 14:44 After a brief period of financial abundance? 7:23 Did home-based Thought Forms confront them? 11:42 She wants a lover, but without bondage.
12:00 The beginning of us, as a race? 6:44 She has questions concerning Lemuria and Atlantis. 18:35 To receive the "impersonal" as something personal? 4:25 Can my desire be equated with fear? 13:20 His morning focus wanes during the day. 9:10 To have fuzzier feelings around Source Energy? 7:00 Why doesn't Esther remain in the Abraham mode?
16:20 Abraham clarifies some questions regarding Seth's teachings. 4:53 How would one measure our Thought Energy? 2:20 Jerry and Esther enjoy Maui invitation. 7:00 Wanting to align his body with joy. 4:18 Will health, wealth and relationships bring joy? 2:22 Are we destined toward a higher consciousness? 21:00 Overwhelmed at work, but can't delegate. 7:32 Where, in manifestation, do my dreams fit? 4:08 Who selected her, Abraham or her Guides? 1:26 Abraham closes the Boca Raton Florida Workshop.