4 CD Album, Boston, MA 10/1/05
Code: F0542
Product Details
17:24 When Source becomes one with your desire. 13:47 The beat of what you do want. 15:20 How others feel about how you feel? 23:43 Why would her daughter have special needs?
23:18 Feels sad about self-initiated marital separation. 11:40 Which partner’s vibration dominates their financial experience? 14:34 He expects it, but sooner than she. 4:34 Should he attend more to business details. 14:24 Not happy with her husband, or children. (Cont’d)
(Cont’d) 25:21 Not happy with her husband, or children. 31:20 His meditative diligence isn’t working for him. 5:40 Some positive aspects of supporting a government. 7:42 Feeling a connection with a Supernatural something?
17:00 To more clearly hear dead people’s messages? 15:03 Why do schizophrenia and suffering still abound? 15:49 Why would a spiritual teacher ever die? 12:00 His dreadful life evolved to dreaded illness. 10:00 To discuss a personal and impersonal God? 1:00 Abraham closes the Boston MA Workshop.
17:24 When Source becomes one with your desire. 13:47 The beat of what you do want. 15:20 How others feel about how you feel? 23:43 Why would her daughter have special needs?
23:18 Feels sad about self-initiated marital separation. 11:40 Which partner’s vibration dominates their financial experience? 14:34 He expects it, but sooner than she. 4:34 Should he attend more to business details. 14:24 Not happy with her husband, or children. (Cont’d)
(Cont’d) 25:21 Not happy with her husband, or children. 31:20 His meditative diligence isn’t working for him. 5:40 Some positive aspects of supporting a government. 7:42 Feeling a connection with a Supernatural something?
17:00 To more clearly hear dead people’s messages? 15:03 Why do schizophrenia and suffering still abound? 15:49 Why would a spiritual teacher ever die? 12:00 His dreadful life evolved to dreaded illness. 10:00 To discuss a personal and impersonal God? 1:00 Abraham closes the Boston MA Workshop.