4 CD Album, Boston, MA 5/26/07
Code: F0718
Product Details
10:00 Are you desiring, or are you yearning? 5:00 Are you keeping up with your expansion? 9:00 How to best understand your Guidance System. 4:10 Feeling revenge feels better than feeling fear. 1:00 We are eager to talk with you. 18:25 Son’s off to war; Mom feels sadness. 16:00 But, his family and friends paddle upstream?
10:00 Would Law of Attraction conflict with family’s religion? 7:11 But, there are things that blindside her? 4:04 How do our unconscious thoughts affect us? 14:00 Will her big dreams ever come true? 7:27 Possibly too optimistic for one’s own good? 22:00 She wants to feel better about money.
28:40 Beating the “Mother-let-me-down” drum? 4:00 Is there a divine plan for Abraham? 4:00 Can she expect a 2012 Harmonic Convergence? 3:00 Is it “enlightenment” or “up-to-speed-ment”? 12:00 Which of her choices should she choose? 9:44 Should she let the old relationship go?
4:00 Her hairdresser really let her hair down. 10:30 She has a fear of going forward. 17:30 Does her depression medication fabricate her feelings? 14:20 The Law of Attraction is working for her. 8:58 Okay to appreciate power without feeling humility? 8:28 Why would a baby be born deformed? 1:00 Abraham closes the Boston MA Workshop.
10:00 Are you desiring, or are you yearning? 5:00 Are you keeping up with your expansion? 9:00 How to best understand your Guidance System. 4:10 Feeling revenge feels better than feeling fear. 1:00 We are eager to talk with you. 18:25 Son’s off to war; Mom feels sadness. 16:00 But, his family and friends paddle upstream?
10:00 Would Law of Attraction conflict with family’s religion? 7:11 But, there are things that blindside her? 4:04 How do our unconscious thoughts affect us? 14:00 Will her big dreams ever come true? 7:27 Possibly too optimistic for one’s own good? 22:00 She wants to feel better about money.
28:40 Beating the “Mother-let-me-down” drum? 4:00 Is there a divine plan for Abraham? 4:00 Can she expect a 2012 Harmonic Convergence? 3:00 Is it “enlightenment” or “up-to-speed-ment”? 12:00 Which of her choices should she choose? 9:44 Should she let the old relationship go?
4:00 Her hairdresser really let her hair down. 10:30 She has a fear of going forward. 17:30 Does her depression medication fabricate her feelings? 14:20 The Law of Attraction is working for her. 8:58 Okay to appreciate power without feeling humility? 8:28 Why would a baby be born deformed? 1:00 Abraham closes the Boston MA Workshop.