4 CD Album, Buffalo, NY 5/20/03
Code: F0318
Product Details
10:00 Can I think same, and receive differently? 15:00 There are many paths to your fulfillment. 6:40 He wants to do it for himself. 22:31 She desires, husband fears, moving to Florida. 1:41 Was desire created even before she asked? 12:08 She lives with swirling and unfulfilled intentions. 3:00 She didn't find book's second-half appealing.
17:00 She resisted second 1/2 of prosperity book? 6:23 Has received multiple conflicting medical diagnoses. 6:00 Should she avoid pap smears and mammograms? 6:06 "Can't worry and love child at once"? 7:10 Would like to see with Inner Eye. 11:04 She has a secret: No more medications. 11:53 He practices a form of Energetic medicine. 5:15 What's the value of an OOB experience?
11:00 Why wasn't waitress in the mood too? 5:20 How to allow more, and act less? 11:00 Fearful of change, but wants more greatness. 8:24 She, fearfully, wants to be rich and famous. 4:00 Are there nonphysical forces with evil intents? 14:37 Can personal balance positively affect the world? 15:18 Delightful new baby is consuming mother's life.
3:00 What is her autistic child teaching her? 5:30 Leading the parade at age 122? 18:00 Teenage son causes mom's skin to burn. 15:22 Her teenager thinks he's creating her dollars. 8:40 She didn't anticipate challenge of blending family. 5:33 Lawyer/Mediator finds value as a soother. 7:32 Wants Abraham to validate his pendulum process. 5:36 Her dreams manifest, but as unpleasant nightmare. 5:00 Why would father die in such agony? 0:43 Abraham closes the Buffalo NY Workshop.
10:00 Can I think same, and receive differently? 15:00 There are many paths to your fulfillment. 6:40 He wants to do it for himself. 22:31 She desires, husband fears, moving to Florida. 1:41 Was desire created even before she asked? 12:08 She lives with swirling and unfulfilled intentions. 3:00 She didn't find book's second-half appealing.
17:00 She resisted second 1/2 of prosperity book? 6:23 Has received multiple conflicting medical diagnoses. 6:00 Should she avoid pap smears and mammograms? 6:06 "Can't worry and love child at once"? 7:10 Would like to see with Inner Eye. 11:04 She has a secret: No more medications. 11:53 He practices a form of Energetic medicine. 5:15 What's the value of an OOB experience?
11:00 Why wasn't waitress in the mood too? 5:20 How to allow more, and act less? 11:00 Fearful of change, but wants more greatness. 8:24 She, fearfully, wants to be rich and famous. 4:00 Are there nonphysical forces with evil intents? 14:37 Can personal balance positively affect the world? 15:18 Delightful new baby is consuming mother's life.
3:00 What is her autistic child teaching her? 5:30 Leading the parade at age 122? 18:00 Teenage son causes mom's skin to burn. 15:22 Her teenager thinks he's creating her dollars. 8:40 She didn't anticipate challenge of blending family. 5:33 Lawyer/Mediator finds value as a soother. 7:32 Wants Abraham to validate his pendulum process. 5:36 Her dreams manifest, but as unpleasant nightmare. 5:00 Why would father die in such agony? 0:43 Abraham closes the Buffalo NY Workshop.