4 CD Album, Chicago, IL 5/22/04
Code: F0415
Product Details
34:30 You can feel when you've released resistance. 5:20 To create it right the first time? 3:00 What is he learning from his frustration? 22:40 Here's the power of an emotional journey. 5:30 Feels called to write a sexuality book.
1:39 How many Abrahams are in their group? 1:30 Have any of the Abrahams been physical? 5:00 Is there a time lap in reincarnation? 7:40 Where were "we" when we weren't here? 7:30 Is Planet Earth the final physical experience? 5:07 Can we create it without taking action? 7:03 Wants him, or the essence of "him". 2:33 Attracting the vibrational essence of your thoughts. 5:07 Why do other believers bother her so much? 3:43 Is isolation from negative okay at times? 3:47 Religion and AA didn't work for her. 9:00 Will she ever stop missing adult son? 10:00 She's feeling some resistance in her body. 12:00 To painlessly rendezvous with her former husband? (Cont'd)
(Cont'd.) 4:00 To painlessly rendezvous with her former husband? 3:16 Her 15 year old son is getting terrible grades. 6:30 Healthy, but inspired to take a vitamin? 17:00 When you're creating from the inside out? 13:30 Only lost one pound in two weeks. 12:10 Dancing ex-lover shared his new dancing girlfriend. 10:50 Her life's better, but that's not enough. 3:00 Can't remember how long she couldn't remember. (Cont'd)
(Cont'd') 6:00 Can't remember how long she couldn't remember. 4:28 Does "Energy Balancing" with strangers feel good? 15:41 His child takes frog's death too painfully. 5:19 How to never feel fear of loss? 4:00 Should his family allow their son's depression? 4:44 Can we get answers without using Esther? 4:36 She has questions regarding chakra systems. 1:34 To know if pet needs help dying. 4:45 Fears her ability to use her ability. 3:00 But, shouldn't he seek outside help, sometimes? 5:00 How can we move completely into self-love? 3:26 Do the Non-physical Entities have fireside chats? 3:22 We bring heavy subjects to Abraham's bliss. 3:43 Feels he's on the verge of channeling. 1:00 Abraham closes the Chicago, Illinois Workshop.
34:30 You can feel when you've released resistance. 5:20 To create it right the first time? 3:00 What is he learning from his frustration? 22:40 Here's the power of an emotional journey. 5:30 Feels called to write a sexuality book.
1:39 How many Abrahams are in their group? 1:30 Have any of the Abrahams been physical? 5:00 Is there a time lap in reincarnation? 7:40 Where were "we" when we weren't here? 7:30 Is Planet Earth the final physical experience? 5:07 Can we create it without taking action? 7:03 Wants him, or the essence of "him". 2:33 Attracting the vibrational essence of your thoughts. 5:07 Why do other believers bother her so much? 3:43 Is isolation from negative okay at times? 3:47 Religion and AA didn't work for her. 9:00 Will she ever stop missing adult son? 10:00 She's feeling some resistance in her body. 12:00 To painlessly rendezvous with her former husband? (Cont'd)
(Cont'd.) 4:00 To painlessly rendezvous with her former husband? 3:16 Her 15 year old son is getting terrible grades. 6:30 Healthy, but inspired to take a vitamin? 17:00 When you're creating from the inside out? 13:30 Only lost one pound in two weeks. 12:10 Dancing ex-lover shared his new dancing girlfriend. 10:50 Her life's better, but that's not enough. 3:00 Can't remember how long she couldn't remember. (Cont'd)
(Cont'd') 6:00 Can't remember how long she couldn't remember. 4:28 Does "Energy Balancing" with strangers feel good? 15:41 His child takes frog's death too painfully. 5:19 How to never feel fear of loss? 4:00 Should his family allow their son's depression? 4:44 Can we get answers without using Esther? 4:36 She has questions regarding chakra systems. 1:34 To know if pet needs help dying. 4:45 Fears her ability to use her ability. 3:00 But, shouldn't he seek outside help, sometimes? 5:00 How can we move completely into self-love? 3:26 Do the Non-physical Entities have fireside chats? 3:22 We bring heavy subjects to Abraham's bliss. 3:43 Feels he's on the verge of channeling. 1:00 Abraham closes the Chicago, Illinois Workshop.