4 CD Album, Chicago, IL 9/16/06
Code: F0637
Product Details
17:00 Source becomes the vibrational equivalent of desires. 8:20 Your Current has been created by you. 17:40 A little improvement can bring great relief. 19:14 Her mom passed away last year and….
6:00 How much of “Abraham” comes from Nonphysical? 12:12 To share a romance with a non-believer? 3:12 Is my perception of it creating it? 5:00 What is the purpose of physical death? 25:00 How can they resolve unaffordable house issue? 7:17 Their experiences always work out for them. 5:00 She’s still confused about her God’s whereabouts. (Cont’d)
(Cont’d) 17:00 She’s still confused about her God’s whereabouts. 3:30 Do Jerry and Esther carry health insurance? 38:00 Lost parents, health, job, and her lover. 5:49 How does hypnosis fit into Abraham’s teachings?
13:18 Are those channeled “Earth changes” warnings valid? 11:24 Can Earth’s spinner deal with Earth’s temperature? 14:20 Will he live through his potential autopsy? 13:40 Healer strongly wants to better know herself. 5:14 What’s the future of her healing technology? 6:00 Abraham close the Chicago IL Workshop.
17:00 Source becomes the vibrational equivalent of desires. 8:20 Your Current has been created by you. 17:40 A little improvement can bring great relief. 19:14 Her mom passed away last year and….
6:00 How much of “Abraham” comes from Nonphysical? 12:12 To share a romance with a non-believer? 3:12 Is my perception of it creating it? 5:00 What is the purpose of physical death? 25:00 How can they resolve unaffordable house issue? 7:17 Their experiences always work out for them. 5:00 She’s still confused about her God’s whereabouts. (Cont’d)
(Cont’d) 17:00 She’s still confused about her God’s whereabouts. 3:30 Do Jerry and Esther carry health insurance? 38:00 Lost parents, health, job, and her lover. 5:49 How does hypnosis fit into Abraham’s teachings?
13:18 Are those channeled “Earth changes” warnings valid? 11:24 Can Earth’s spinner deal with Earth’s temperature? 14:20 Will he live through his potential autopsy? 13:40 Healer strongly wants to better know herself. 5:14 What’s the future of her healing technology? 6:00 Abraham close the Chicago IL Workshop.