4 CD Album, Chicago, IL 9/18/10
Code: F1031
Product Details
CD 1
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:46)
2. Are you expecting your desire to manifest? (3:24)
3. You are an extension of your Source's Vibrations. (8:26)
4. Does the "squeakiing wheel" control your attention? (6:19)
5. Even your prepared casket is old news. (4:51)
6. As an identical twin, what's her prognosis? (7:37)
7. But her twin's financial experience is dissimilar? (10:10)
8. Must she focus on a singular desire? (13:13)
9. You paid how many dollars for what? (1:10)
CD 2
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:16)
2. She loves teaching kindergarten children, but...? (10:20)
3. Must runny little noses infect their teacher? (6:00)
4. Are you too happy for most others? (7:10)
5. At work, should he contain his happiness? (21:32)
6. What's Inner Being burning for him to know? (2:40)
7. It's not anybody's job to "get you." (11:01)
CD 3
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:17)
2. Should they resettle in India, or not? (15:48)
3. Does she not have sacred destined desires? (14:11)
4. Would not harmonic thoughts product better feelings? (24:11)
5. He wants to discern his inspired thoughts. (6:17)
6. How much abuse should positive thinker take? (1:23)
7. Everything is always working out for you. (8:00)
CD 4
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:17)
2. What's the difference in thought and consciousness? (5:54)
3. What's up with "out-of-body" experiences? (3:26)
4. To build Nonphysical bridges for scientific inquiry? (0:52)
5. Why is Source Connection associated with tears? (1:53)
6. But, if both want the same prize? (3:40)
7. Why wasn't she born knowing metaphysical laws? (13:01)
8. What was her negative emotion telling her? (14:27)
9. She wants to stop self-sabotaging her Well-Being. (8:06)
10. Abraham closes the Chicago IL Workshop. (6:05)