4 CD Album, Chicago, IL 9/7/02
Code: F0236
Product Details
34:34 If I can remember, I can visualize. 14:36 To take money out of the equation. 5:25 Is euthanasia of an ill one wrong? 9:29 When taking the life of another being? 4:30 Any difference between drugged and rational thought? 2:05 A one-on-one relationship with Source Energy? 1:46 Why would a Soul ever play ghost? (Cont'd.)
(Cont'd.) 6:40 Why would a Soul ever play ghost? 1:00 Does my Inner Being have Inner Beings? 5:45 Will time travel ever really be possible? 7:29 Has Abraham-Hicks ever committed an error? 2:44 He tried, with pretense, to trick Abraham. 3:30 It's important to accept our connection to Source. 14:00 Her new business project lacks financial backing. 13:00 Do how many Virtual Realities a day? 4:00 Wants a message from her deceased dad. 9:00 Will her deceased mother still judge her? 5:55 Do we make unbreakable sacred contracts?
44:00 To allow Mother's differences without feeling wounded? 8:21 What did son's Independence Day birth signify? 5:45 Deceased Dave still comments as Dave. 5:00 Words are just clumsy ways to think. 5:00 Doesn't she have a purpose to achieve? 2:00 At 3, she met misty Nonphysical Beings.
1:00 Is Abraham her Energetic Family? 8:34 Is there a track of philosophical synchoronicities? 8:25 What about Jerry and Esther as Samual Adams? 4:40 What to do when anxiety seizes her? 4:53 She has question about alignment of numbers. 8:18 She wants to better know her Guidance System. 8:00 How can she maintain her positive stance? 2:28 At 4 she had an invisible playmate. 7:44 She wants more hands-on creative experience. 5:14 She's sick of her body weight war. 14:44 Fears her toddler's ethnicticity will provoke arrest. 0:28 Abraham closes the Chicago Illinois Workshop.
34:34 If I can remember, I can visualize. 14:36 To take money out of the equation. 5:25 Is euthanasia of an ill one wrong? 9:29 When taking the life of another being? 4:30 Any difference between drugged and rational thought? 2:05 A one-on-one relationship with Source Energy? 1:46 Why would a Soul ever play ghost? (Cont'd.)
(Cont'd.) 6:40 Why would a Soul ever play ghost? 1:00 Does my Inner Being have Inner Beings? 5:45 Will time travel ever really be possible? 7:29 Has Abraham-Hicks ever committed an error? 2:44 He tried, with pretense, to trick Abraham. 3:30 It's important to accept our connection to Source. 14:00 Her new business project lacks financial backing. 13:00 Do how many Virtual Realities a day? 4:00 Wants a message from her deceased dad. 9:00 Will her deceased mother still judge her? 5:55 Do we make unbreakable sacred contracts?
44:00 To allow Mother's differences without feeling wounded? 8:21 What did son's Independence Day birth signify? 5:45 Deceased Dave still comments as Dave. 5:00 Words are just clumsy ways to think. 5:00 Doesn't she have a purpose to achieve? 2:00 At 3, she met misty Nonphysical Beings.
1:00 Is Abraham her Energetic Family? 8:34 Is there a track of philosophical synchoronicities? 8:25 What about Jerry and Esther as Samual Adams? 4:40 What to do when anxiety seizes her? 4:53 She has question about alignment of numbers. 8:18 She wants to better know her Guidance System. 8:00 How can she maintain her positive stance? 2:28 At 4 she had an invisible playmate. 7:44 She wants more hands-on creative experience. 5:14 She's sick of her body weight war. 14:44 Fears her toddler's ethnicticity will provoke arrest. 0:28 Abraham closes the Chicago Illinois Workshop.