4 CD Album, Cincinnati, OH 9/24/03
Code: F0335
Product Details
9:37 Every preference is a summoning of Source. 25:03 Between San Diego and Phoenix, there's Yuma. 9:31 He works with peoples issues, using hypnosis. 6:19 Why his clarity sometimes seems to fade? 14:00 This stuff is really working for her. 1:15 But, she loves lower vibrations of music? 2:07 Music CD helped her bridge a gap. 1:36 Are we not subject to any limitations?
13:10 Low carbs diet vs. "fat makes fat"? 3:40 Why do we forget Law of Attraction? 6:00 But, doesn't a chocolate binge feel good? 10:40 What is her transitioned husband's Nonphysical stance? 7:35 Would a master clown feel no contrast? 24:50 But, physical conditions call back her unwanted. 6:02 Her live-in daughter is suffering depression.
3:20 He wants to stop grinding his teeth. 7:11 How can he become one inch taller? 2:00 Do aliens really land ships on earth? 4:28 What's the meaning of the "crop circles"? 4:31 When Personal Trainer's blamed for poor results? 19:13 Laid off of 20 year job. 4:00 Her "detox" diet made her feel uncomfortable. 5:07 Best way to learn a foreign language? 1:45 Can Abraham speak German with her? 10:23 She's torn between living here, or Europe. 3:09 Are Deja Vu experiences really true experiences? 5:05 How is Leonardo da Vinci doing in death? 5:10 She was happier in death than life.
25:47 Why did she come back from death? 3:40 Relationship was working, until she wanted him. 9:02 Why was nurse injured at her job? 12:00 Should we psychiatrists attempt to avert suicides? 10:20 A healthy stance regarding psychotherapis'ts suicidal clients? 6:00 Regarding her provocative, mentally challenged daughter. 2:00 Abraham closes the Cincinnati, OH Workshop.
9:37 Every preference is a summoning of Source. 25:03 Between San Diego and Phoenix, there's Yuma. 9:31 He works with peoples issues, using hypnosis. 6:19 Why his clarity sometimes seems to fade? 14:00 This stuff is really working for her. 1:15 But, she loves lower vibrations of music? 2:07 Music CD helped her bridge a gap. 1:36 Are we not subject to any limitations?
13:10 Low carbs diet vs. "fat makes fat"? 3:40 Why do we forget Law of Attraction? 6:00 But, doesn't a chocolate binge feel good? 10:40 What is her transitioned husband's Nonphysical stance? 7:35 Would a master clown feel no contrast? 24:50 But, physical conditions call back her unwanted. 6:02 Her live-in daughter is suffering depression.
3:20 He wants to stop grinding his teeth. 7:11 How can he become one inch taller? 2:00 Do aliens really land ships on earth? 4:28 What's the meaning of the "crop circles"? 4:31 When Personal Trainer's blamed for poor results? 19:13 Laid off of 20 year job. 4:00 Her "detox" diet made her feel uncomfortable. 5:07 Best way to learn a foreign language? 1:45 Can Abraham speak German with her? 10:23 She's torn between living here, or Europe. 3:09 Are Deja Vu experiences really true experiences? 5:05 How is Leonardo da Vinci doing in death? 5:10 She was happier in death than life.
25:47 Why did she come back from death? 3:40 Relationship was working, until she wanted him. 9:02 Why was nurse injured at her job? 12:00 Should we psychiatrists attempt to avert suicides? 10:20 A healthy stance regarding psychotherapis'ts suicidal clients? 6:00 Regarding her provocative, mentally challenged daughter. 2:00 Abraham closes the Cincinnati, OH Workshop.