4 CD Album, Cincinnatti, OH 9/22/04
Code: F0432
Product Details
7:00 Your problems' solutions are already under way. 21:00 Many tend to fixate on the dilemma. 18:52 Justice isn't about fairness, it's about vibration. 23:00 Are "dark energies" ever to be feared?
4:18 So what is "reality" really about anyway? 9:40 Can you logically accept an evil force? 16:20 Every year this diabetic is feeling healthier. 15:00 Life just isn't feeling good enough for her. 5:00 How can she feel better about relationships? 16:30 Her failed dates are providing free dinners. 5:28 She's ready to now experience natural happiness.
6:00 Life is great!...but those Monday mornings? 18:00 What she likes about her disliked job? 10:05 Can our muscles be influenced by intentions? 5:40 Why are some channeled messages so controversial? 7:38 Can she best teach through asking questions? 25:52 Could have served as creative stimulant?
16:00 Has producer's vision for television been wasted? 5:06 How to improve quality of his writing? 11:10 Are our physical bodies created from Non-physical? 6:02 Are "past-life regressions" related to hypnosis? 1:30 Could earth changes override our Well-Being? 16:38 To offer Abraham's principles to young athletes? 10:32 Wants to see the Entities behind Esther. 4:00 Anyone at any time can steadily improve. 2:48 Abraham closes the Cincinnati Ohio Workshop.
7:00 Your problems' solutions are already under way. 21:00 Many tend to fixate on the dilemma. 18:52 Justice isn't about fairness, it's about vibration. 23:00 Are "dark energies" ever to be feared?
4:18 So what is "reality" really about anyway? 9:40 Can you logically accept an evil force? 16:20 Every year this diabetic is feeling healthier. 15:00 Life just isn't feeling good enough for her. 5:00 How can she feel better about relationships? 16:30 Her failed dates are providing free dinners. 5:28 She's ready to now experience natural happiness.
6:00 Life is great!...but those Monday mornings? 18:00 What she likes about her disliked job? 10:05 Can our muscles be influenced by intentions? 5:40 Why are some channeled messages so controversial? 7:38 Can she best teach through asking questions? 25:52 Could have served as creative stimulant?
16:00 Has producer's vision for television been wasted? 5:06 How to improve quality of his writing? 11:10 Are our physical bodies created from Non-physical? 6:02 Are "past-life regressions" related to hypnosis? 1:30 Could earth changes override our Well-Being? 16:38 To offer Abraham's principles to young athletes? 10:32 Wants to see the Entities behind Esther. 4:00 Anyone at any time can steadily improve. 2:48 Abraham closes the Cincinnati Ohio Workshop.