4 CD Album, Denver, CO 7/4/09
Code: F0925
Product Details
6:00 Are you a match to your desires? 6:00 You have two vivid vibrational vantage points. 7:00 The Universe is managed by Law of Attraction. 9:19 Your Source knows who you really are. 4:00 Your emotions are your very important Guidance System. 9:10 Are homo sapiens still evolving positively forward? 8:04 What's up with the "Global Warming" concept? 11:50 A medical profession rampage of appreciation.
8:00 Does nurse's happiness indicate future signed contracts? 13:99 To market health supplements without pushing against? 3:08 Can our animals come back as people? 8:23 Must traumas be inherited by third generation? 8:16 To stay up when PMS cycle is down?
5:22 Can Abraham peer into our future experience? 10:00 Does Abraham have recall of their past physicality? 13:31 How can he overcome his intellectual focus? 2:44 Are all her perceptions of her past? 7:09 Must her loving marriage drag her down? 4:49 Could Indian mystic have predicted her future? 16:37 He's been vacillating between hope and belief.
2:00 Does appreciation have more power than gratitude? 1:24 To shift from left brain to right? 3:17 Why is Abraham still working with us? 37:00 What's the unidentified vibration of her psoriasis? 3:00 Jerry's prickly goose bumps fine-tune his Guidance. 10:40 Why are they talking in their sleep? 8:54 Your life is supposed to feel good. 1:18 Abraham closes the Denver CO Workshop.
6:00 Are you a match to your desires? 6:00 You have two vivid vibrational vantage points. 7:00 The Universe is managed by Law of Attraction. 9:19 Your Source knows who you really are. 4:00 Your emotions are your very important Guidance System. 9:10 Are homo sapiens still evolving positively forward? 8:04 What's up with the "Global Warming" concept? 11:50 A medical profession rampage of appreciation.
8:00 Does nurse's happiness indicate future signed contracts? 13:99 To market health supplements without pushing against? 3:08 Can our animals come back as people? 8:23 Must traumas be inherited by third generation? 8:16 To stay up when PMS cycle is down?
5:22 Can Abraham peer into our future experience? 10:00 Does Abraham have recall of their past physicality? 13:31 How can he overcome his intellectual focus? 2:44 Are all her perceptions of her past? 7:09 Must her loving marriage drag her down? 4:49 Could Indian mystic have predicted her future? 16:37 He's been vacillating between hope and belief.
2:00 Does appreciation have more power than gratitude? 1:24 To shift from left brain to right? 3:17 Why is Abraham still working with us? 37:00 What's the unidentified vibration of her psoriasis? 3:00 Jerry's prickly goose bumps fine-tune his Guidance. 10:40 Why are they talking in their sleep? 8:54 Your life is supposed to feel good. 1:18 Abraham closes the Denver CO Workshop.