4 CD Album, Fort Collins, CO 6/16/07
Code: F0722
Product Details
9:00 To live life the way you’ve intended? 5:20 Point toward your desires, and keep going. 9:40 Your Stream flows faster with passing time. 11:40 You were born to explore new ideas. 10:16 You cannot control those unwanted conditions. 14:52 He still feels frustrated by his “gap”. 3:09 Is Vibrational Escrow like a piggy-bank?
9:44 Do all Spiritual Guides provide similar information? 13:16 Does the helpful Universe sometimes take vacations? 5:24 What happened with her Hawaiian dolphin experience? 6:22 How does sub-conscious relate to this? 7:00 If physicians use “tricks” to help clients. 6:26 Is his book ready to be published? 12:31 Are surprises possible for an aligned Being? 3:20 Do babies come with their specific intentions? 2:05 What causes our Stream to flow faster. 0:40 Must he decay as he grows older?
6:10 About “tithing” and the “law of circulation”? 29:06 After two years of dealing with loss? 12:50 Her Spirit’s alive but body feels restricted. 17:22 Does Abraham ever need sleep or food?
5:42 When do we choose our physical gender? 6:00 What if Esther just lived as Abraham? 23:25 Your money changes when your vibration changes. 9:09 He’s concerned about the rumored “end times.” 7:45 Should he act on his every hunch? 8:36 Should she be reaching for another goal? 5:04 Abraham closes the Fort Collins CO Workshop.
9:00 To live life the way you’ve intended? 5:20 Point toward your desires, and keep going. 9:40 Your Stream flows faster with passing time. 11:40 You were born to explore new ideas. 10:16 You cannot control those unwanted conditions. 14:52 He still feels frustrated by his “gap”. 3:09 Is Vibrational Escrow like a piggy-bank?
9:44 Do all Spiritual Guides provide similar information? 13:16 Does the helpful Universe sometimes take vacations? 5:24 What happened with her Hawaiian dolphin experience? 6:22 How does sub-conscious relate to this? 7:00 If physicians use “tricks” to help clients. 6:26 Is his book ready to be published? 12:31 Are surprises possible for an aligned Being? 3:20 Do babies come with their specific intentions? 2:05 What causes our Stream to flow faster. 0:40 Must he decay as he grows older?
6:10 About “tithing” and the “law of circulation”? 29:06 After two years of dealing with loss? 12:50 Her Spirit’s alive but body feels restricted. 17:22 Does Abraham ever need sleep or food?
5:42 When do we choose our physical gender? 6:00 What if Esther just lived as Abraham? 23:25 Your money changes when your vibration changes. 9:09 He’s concerned about the rumored “end times.” 7:45 Should he act on his every hunch? 8:36 Should she be reaching for another goal? 5:04 Abraham closes the Fort Collins CO Workshop.