4 CD Album, Ft. Collins, CO 6/22/02
Code: F0222
Product Details
23:26 Can we deactivate what we have activated? 3:30 Humor columnist enjoys the humor of Abraham. 5:56 Allowing who you really are to flow? 13:20 When someone is afraid of being alone? 15:30 How to release painful neurological problem? 2:04 Why the changes in Abraham's aura patterns? 5:00 When negative-feeling obligations turn out good? 4:10 Do our dreams tell about our vibrations? 6:00 When one remembers repressed childhood emotions?
4:50 Are Guardian Angels same as Inner Beings? 2:59 Has multiple questions regarding Thought Forms. 6:00 Are Thought Forms not manifested into physical? 4:36 Our planet is alive; it's not complete. 4:00 Regarding an evolving vs. an endangered species? 16:00 Did Inner Voice cause her parking ticket? 7:20 Her selfishness is making her feel incomplete. 2:00 Why would positive whales beach themselves? 22:47 Suffers with those who don't feel good.
8:50 How to not alienate her fundamentalist family? 9:07 Dog's death more painful than his parent's? 5:35 Pet's death intensifies lack of house sale. 14:44 Ballet student concerned by tension of study. 3:50 Mom seeks new gallery for her art. 11:14 How can she visualize relationship she wants? 4:00 Can I be resting and simultaneously allowing? 14:00 Being true to myself, and my baby?
9:00 Baby unable to sleep unless being held. 4:47 His family's concerned about his financial security. 11:43 Her relationship isn't feeling like unconditional love. 3:49 What causes the wild animals to hunt? 8:28 If he's not a match to you? 6:20 "Wasn't meant to be"; a cop out? 7:00 Our growth can never cease to be. 5:13 Her life has reflected, "Ignorance is bliss". 7:14 She is frightened by her psychic ability. 5:08 She has some questions about Esther's process. 3:00 Some more questions about the Thought Forms. 1:00 Abraham closes the Fort Collins, CO Workshop.
23:26 Can we deactivate what we have activated? 3:30 Humor columnist enjoys the humor of Abraham. 5:56 Allowing who you really are to flow? 13:20 When someone is afraid of being alone? 15:30 How to release painful neurological problem? 2:04 Why the changes in Abraham's aura patterns? 5:00 When negative-feeling obligations turn out good? 4:10 Do our dreams tell about our vibrations? 6:00 When one remembers repressed childhood emotions?
4:50 Are Guardian Angels same as Inner Beings? 2:59 Has multiple questions regarding Thought Forms. 6:00 Are Thought Forms not manifested into physical? 4:36 Our planet is alive; it's not complete. 4:00 Regarding an evolving vs. an endangered species? 16:00 Did Inner Voice cause her parking ticket? 7:20 Her selfishness is making her feel incomplete. 2:00 Why would positive whales beach themselves? 22:47 Suffers with those who don't feel good.
8:50 How to not alienate her fundamentalist family? 9:07 Dog's death more painful than his parent's? 5:35 Pet's death intensifies lack of house sale. 14:44 Ballet student concerned by tension of study. 3:50 Mom seeks new gallery for her art. 11:14 How can she visualize relationship she wants? 4:00 Can I be resting and simultaneously allowing? 14:00 Being true to myself, and my baby?
9:00 Baby unable to sleep unless being held. 4:47 His family's concerned about his financial security. 11:43 Her relationship isn't feeling like unconditional love. 3:49 What causes the wild animals to hunt? 8:28 If he's not a match to you? 6:20 "Wasn't meant to be"; a cop out? 7:00 Our growth can never cease to be. 5:13 Her life has reflected, "Ignorance is bliss". 7:14 She is frightened by her psychic ability. 5:08 She has some questions about Esther's process. 3:00 Some more questions about the Thought Forms. 1:00 Abraham closes the Fort Collins, CO Workshop.