4 CD Album, Houston, TX 5/1/10
Code: F1013
Product Details
Houston, TX 5/1/10
CD 1
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:56)
2. You can always control your Vibrational mood. (8:59)
3. You are each experiencing a different reality. (10:13)
4. Your dominant intent is to feel good. (5:20)
5. You can always turn the other cheek. (4:06)
6. Have you been trying to please everyone? (7:13)
7. You didn't come to fix the world. (3:49)
8. A joyous lifetime can happen right now. (12:09)
9. Slipping out of his Vortex bothers him. (11:26)
CD 2
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:17)
2. Why would emerging manifestations cause him fear? (5:40)
3. Her pets have been her Well-Being touchstones. (13:53)
4. You are the thinker of your creations. (4:15)
5. Her Godself relationship to her physical self. (5:28)
6. What's Abraham on the "other side" of? (1:10)
7. Was Abraham "assigned" to this work? (8:51)
8. She wants an understanding of the "God" concept. (13:52)
CD 3
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:17)
2. The "fruits," as tests of Abraham's teachings. (8:59)
3. How does that joint condition feel emotionally? (7:31)
4. He has a question about Abraham's "Vortex." (7:37)
5. Healers must avoid client's chain-of-pain. (8:17)
6. Healer has a question about focused Energy. (10:58)
7. How can he manifest Heaven on Earth? (2:50)
8. He offers Abraham the "world's best" massages. (2:13)
9. He wants to talk about his dream. (12:11)
CD 4
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:17)
2. Are financial savings in the Vortex? (3:20)
3. A question about unconditional love vs. Vortices. (7:42)
4. If the purpose of life is joy? (1:49)
5. Can we project ourselves into other Beings? (2:57)
6. Could frivolous haunters hide our personal objects? (8:20)
7. Which came first, chickens or Law of Attraction? (2:47)
8. He used to feel judgemental in traffic conditions. (10:51)
9. Bask your way into your Vibrational Vortex. (15:48)
10. Muslim has found good in all religions. (3:57)
11. How can she protect her little boys? (7:38)
12. Abraham closes the Houston Texas spring Workshop. (2:15)