4 CD Album, Kansas City, KS 6/1/02
Code: F0220
Product Details
13:00 Your life, as an adventure without risk. 25:56 Friend has had two serious driving accidents. 2:34 Horrible childhood's role in his positive now? 6:02 To take her horses to the Olympics? 4:43 Was peripherally involved with friend's horse wreck. 10:00 Got more money, but more responsibility, too. 10:40 Making the best of counting my blessings.
12:57 If their cat is really ill, why? 7:39 Nothing ever happens without a vibrational match. 8:09 If it doesn't feel good, don't go. 9:22 To better understand Inner and Outer Being? 6:00 What is his best question to ask? 6:20 But he wants it all, right now. 1:40 A question about music and good feelings. 6:49 Is it possible to no longer suffer? 3:05 Are we responsible to enlighten all others? 6:35 Alcohol, caffeine, purified water and organic foods?
5:00 He's particularly interested in health and healing. 7:04 Various religion's founders; "what were they thinking?" 3:49 Should he not change his belief system? 11:34 He plays procrastination games with term papers. 2:07 What's the most effective way to pray? 12:30 Hated father doesn't visit children often enough. 3:23 Children's personality, and the Art of Allowing? 5:52 She can sense when step-child evokes resistance. 13:38 Where should his creation of music flow? 7:35 Why can't she stay on a diet? (Cont'd)
(Cont'd) 12:00 Why can't she stay on a diet? 12:11 Feels guilty regarding her mother and daughter. 9:00 She has a question regarding healing another. 8:00 She is uncomfortable with potential government contract. 5:00 To allow a shift in his eyesight? 6:52 And little lambs eat ivy, and parasites. 6:14 Son belches the alphabet at dinner table. 7:44 She struggles to brush her son's teeth. 1:00 Abraham closes the Kansas City Workshop.
13:00 Your life, as an adventure without risk. 25:56 Friend has had two serious driving accidents. 2:34 Horrible childhood's role in his positive now? 6:02 To take her horses to the Olympics? 4:43 Was peripherally involved with friend's horse wreck. 10:00 Got more money, but more responsibility, too. 10:40 Making the best of counting my blessings.
12:57 If their cat is really ill, why? 7:39 Nothing ever happens without a vibrational match. 8:09 If it doesn't feel good, don't go. 9:22 To better understand Inner and Outer Being? 6:00 What is his best question to ask? 6:20 But he wants it all, right now. 1:40 A question about music and good feelings. 6:49 Is it possible to no longer suffer? 3:05 Are we responsible to enlighten all others? 6:35 Alcohol, caffeine, purified water and organic foods?
5:00 He's particularly interested in health and healing. 7:04 Various religion's founders; "what were they thinking?" 3:49 Should he not change his belief system? 11:34 He plays procrastination games with term papers. 2:07 What's the most effective way to pray? 12:30 Hated father doesn't visit children often enough. 3:23 Children's personality, and the Art of Allowing? 5:52 She can sense when step-child evokes resistance. 13:38 Where should his creation of music flow? 7:35 Why can't she stay on a diet? (Cont'd)
(Cont'd) 12:00 Why can't she stay on a diet? 12:11 Feels guilty regarding her mother and daughter. 9:00 She has a question regarding healing another. 8:00 She is uncomfortable with potential government contract. 5:00 To allow a shift in his eyesight? 6:52 And little lambs eat ivy, and parasites. 6:14 Son belches the alphabet at dinner table. 7:44 She struggles to brush her son's teeth. 1:00 Abraham closes the Kansas City Workshop.