4 CD Album, Kansas City, KS 9/14/10
Code: F1030
Product Details
CD 1
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (2:05)
2. Does your desire harmonize with your Vortex? (7:43)
3. Has what-is trained your Vibrational frequency? (10:35)
4. He's trying to write his own Autobiography. (10:46)
5. What does Abraham mean by "Great Awakening"? (4:48)
6. What's up with the "Law of Karma"? (6:05)
7. Why are orbs appearing on her photos? (9:32)
8. He has questions about his bodily conditions. (8:00)
CD 2
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:17)
2. Can she stay happy while observing unhappiness? (29:38)
3. He worries about his patterns of worry. (29:06)
CD 3
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:17)
2. Isn't her belief in "hard work" valid? (13:35)
3. Must she "return" as a human creature? (2:48)
4. After 30 years of "diabetic" blood sugars? (11:16)
5. Practicing meditation and appreciation to transmute crankiness? (9:38)
6. Are you regularly checking your "happy sugar"? (3:12)
7. Are Soul Mates more appropriate than harems? (8:20)
8. What is his next step to much money? (7:41)
9. Her autistic son has three distinct screams. (5:09)
CD 4
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:17)
2. What's behind her autistic son's erratic behavior? (22:44)
3. She wants to clarify her translating ability. (7:42)
4. He has some deep and broad issues. (27:03)
5. Can we have individual space/time continuums? (5:26)
6. Abraham closes the Kansas City, Kansas workshop. (4:12)