4 CD Album, Kansas City, MO 9/15/04
Code: F0430
Product Details
10:04 Your work?, here is your only work. 22:10 When taking score, what do you expect? 34:50 What's up with retired teacher's anxiety attacks? 1:30 Do "animal-man's" beliefs make it so?
8:00 Do "animal-man's beliefs make it so? 7:05 Two pennies appeared, mysteriously, on her floor. 19:36 She wants interactive contact with Non-physical family. 4:28 Could we currently experience our future lives? 3:24 When two people combine their Creative Energy? 3:20 He's speaking with Abraham, or Inner Being? 2:27 When skin crawls on this meditating scalp. 4:33 Was sound really used in creating pyramids? 2:45 His book hasn't yet been fully discovered. 9:15 When relationships bring about moments of disempowerment? 6:30 But both dieting and eating feel bad? (Cont'd.)
(Cont'd.) 12:00 But, both dieting and eating feel bad? 11:44 Frustrated, by tangled forks in dishwasher. 4:06 Were we humans seeded by another planet? 9:10 New DNA with blended male/female strands? 19:00 How can we remember to practice this? 7:30 Should she take the second cruise, or? 6:30 Working on bonding with her horse, Luke.
9:06 Why many cultures created a "Savior Myth"? 2:10 Wants a "brief" history of our planets. 6:26 To afford it now, or finance it? 1:51 At what point is his action required? 5:49 Should he optimize his employee's actions? 2:40 To quantum leap from large to huge? 1:51 Why didn't Abraham bring her up earlier? 4:53 How could gender expectancy have been wrong? 8:12 Seeking balance between responsibility and child's comfort. 1:00 Wants to support her child's self-esteem. 9:10 An enlightenment peak, or an Energy culmination? 10:30 Her skin crawls when frightened by unknown. 4:14 What is my purpose for being here? 1:00 Abraham closes the Kansas City Workshop.
10:04 Your work?, here is your only work. 22:10 When taking score, what do you expect? 34:50 What's up with retired teacher's anxiety attacks? 1:30 Do "animal-man's" beliefs make it so?
8:00 Do "animal-man's beliefs make it so? 7:05 Two pennies appeared, mysteriously, on her floor. 19:36 She wants interactive contact with Non-physical family. 4:28 Could we currently experience our future lives? 3:24 When two people combine their Creative Energy? 3:20 He's speaking with Abraham, or Inner Being? 2:27 When skin crawls on this meditating scalp. 4:33 Was sound really used in creating pyramids? 2:45 His book hasn't yet been fully discovered. 9:15 When relationships bring about moments of disempowerment? 6:30 But both dieting and eating feel bad? (Cont'd.)
(Cont'd.) 12:00 But, both dieting and eating feel bad? 11:44 Frustrated, by tangled forks in dishwasher. 4:06 Were we humans seeded by another planet? 9:10 New DNA with blended male/female strands? 19:00 How can we remember to practice this? 7:30 Should she take the second cruise, or? 6:30 Working on bonding with her horse, Luke.
9:06 Why many cultures created a "Savior Myth"? 2:10 Wants a "brief" history of our planets. 6:26 To afford it now, or finance it? 1:51 At what point is his action required? 5:49 Should he optimize his employee's actions? 2:40 To quantum leap from large to huge? 1:51 Why didn't Abraham bring her up earlier? 4:53 How could gender expectancy have been wrong? 8:12 Seeking balance between responsibility and child's comfort. 1:00 Wants to support her child's self-esteem. 9:10 An enlightenment peak, or an Energy culmination? 10:30 Her skin crawls when frightened by unknown. 4:14 What is my purpose for being here? 1:00 Abraham closes the Kansas City Workshop.