4 CD Album, Louisville, KY 9/18/06
Code: F0638
Product Details
12:30 You are carving out your life incrementally. 16:29 Why would you want to paddle upstream. 10:00 In only 30 days you could… 13:00 You didn’t come here to remain static. 9:00 Is daughter resisting mother’s “Abraham” influence?
17:00 Counselor wants to know her purpose here. 8:06 Achieve independence from her security giving job? 16:00 Can he distract others toward their health? 7:12 How can she “manifest heaven on Earth”? 13:53 To allow faster flow of investment dollars?
15:00 Do what with his unraveling marital relationship? 7:00 Her business caters to guilty animal owners? 18:00 What’s causing hair-stylist’s body to ache? 5:36 Should trying to be cheerful be painful? 5:38 She isn’t following past rules-for-life? 7:20 After reading “Ask” her nose began to twitch.
4:50 She feels guilty about potential business success. 10:04 Why are more Africans happy than Americans? 19:24 She’s feeling discouraged about her weight gain. 8:00 How to further her Automatic Typing Connection? 16:17 Daughter promised Mom she’d avoid nursing home. 6:40 Taking two steps forward and one backward? 1:40 Abraham closes the Louisville KY Workshop.
12:30 You are carving out your life incrementally. 16:29 Why would you want to paddle upstream. 10:00 In only 30 days you could… 13:00 You didn’t come here to remain static. 9:00 Is daughter resisting mother’s “Abraham” influence?
17:00 Counselor wants to know her purpose here. 8:06 Achieve independence from her security giving job? 16:00 Can he distract others toward their health? 7:12 How can she “manifest heaven on Earth”? 13:53 To allow faster flow of investment dollars?
15:00 Do what with his unraveling marital relationship? 7:00 Her business caters to guilty animal owners? 18:00 What’s causing hair-stylist’s body to ache? 5:36 Should trying to be cheerful be painful? 5:38 She isn’t following past rules-for-life? 7:20 After reading “Ask” her nose began to twitch.
4:50 She feels guilty about potential business success. 10:04 Why are more Africans happy than Americans? 19:24 She’s feeling discouraged about her weight gain. 8:00 How to further her Automatic Typing Connection? 16:17 Daughter promised Mom she’d avoid nursing home. 6:40 Taking two steps forward and one backward? 1:40 Abraham closes the Louisville KY Workshop.