4 CD Album, North Los Angeles, CA 8/1/04
Code: F0425
Product Details
16:00 "Please Proceed to the Highlighted Route." 14:00 Does that thought feel good, or not? 7:00 A few questions about potential karmic influence. 10:00 When one is facing challenging workplace negotiations? 21:00 But 2% of his students are unruly.
33:10 Should diverse brothers share managing inherited business? 10:49 Lived 18 years with disempowering psychic prediction. 5:00 Is it wise to dismiss negative emotions? 4:00 She'd like appreciation from her deceased father. 4:10 Universe treats me like I treat me. 11:26 Life is great, but her empathy hurts.
9:50 Life is great, but her empathy hurts. 14:18 Do with post-surgery "gift of time"? 18:41 To live without pain...without pain-killing drugs? 17:21 Are his disempowering feelings somehow religiously based? 8:51 When should negative emotion evoke evasive action? (Cont'd.)
(Cont'd.) 5:40 When should negative emotion evoke evasive action? 20:20 Little Brown Bear won't flush the toilet. 10:30 In meditation, she is now feeling twitching. 5:20 Eating food speeds her movement toward happiness. 14:20 Are business partners trying to justify divorce? 4:40 He has inventive overview without technological specifics. 5:20 Best to do for his transitioning mother? 4:15 Their marriage has precipitated some family estrangement. 1:30 Abraham closes the North Los Angeles Workshop.
16:00 "Please Proceed to the Highlighted Route." 14:00 Does that thought feel good, or not? 7:00 A few questions about potential karmic influence. 10:00 When one is facing challenging workplace negotiations? 21:00 But 2% of his students are unruly.
33:10 Should diverse brothers share managing inherited business? 10:49 Lived 18 years with disempowering psychic prediction. 5:00 Is it wise to dismiss negative emotions? 4:00 She'd like appreciation from her deceased father. 4:10 Universe treats me like I treat me. 11:26 Life is great, but her empathy hurts.
9:50 Life is great, but her empathy hurts. 14:18 Do with post-surgery "gift of time"? 18:41 To live without pain...without pain-killing drugs? 17:21 Are his disempowering feelings somehow religiously based? 8:51 When should negative emotion evoke evasive action? (Cont'd.)
(Cont'd.) 5:40 When should negative emotion evoke evasive action? 20:20 Little Brown Bear won't flush the toilet. 10:30 In meditation, she is now feeling twitching. 5:20 Eating food speeds her movement toward happiness. 14:20 Are business partners trying to justify divorce? 4:40 He has inventive overview without technological specifics. 5:20 Best to do for his transitioning mother? 4:15 Their marriage has precipitated some family estrangement. 1:30 Abraham closes the North Los Angeles Workshop.