4 CD Album, North Los Angeles, CA 8/18/02
Code: F0232
Product Details
36:56 Do you enjoy having a new insight? 24:28 He wants to talk about intimate relationships. 11:10 To use her ability to create money? (Cont'd.)
(Cont'd.) 21:36 To use her ability to create money? 6:37 But what about the mistreated little children? 1:10 Does "karma" follow us through out lifetimes? 3:42 But what about children with birth deformities? 13:00 To not fear her fear of flying? 4:33 Has written children's story using Abraham's teachings. 14:00 How can realtor forgive his inconsiderate cousin? 1:30 Are backaches influenced by his inconsiderate cousin? 6:00 Lost nearly everything; regained it; now what?
11:50 If "factoring in" a property price drop? 3:14 Why would spiritual teachers discourage conscious thought? 3:24 Whatever feels good cannot be wrong. 4:05 Who can best guide my every step? 4:19 Is she too dependent on her healer? 4:22 A clearer perspective of the term, "generosity"? 1:20 Should she forgive her clients their debts? 5:10 She has concerns regarding donating to charity? 12:00 Co-dependent/interdependent relationships and Law of Attraction? 15:41 She performs stand-up comedy in harsh environments. 3:38 Her biggest fear; hitting animals with car. 2:19 Why do different entities seem in contradiction?
6:00 Needs a lady to share his life. 2:30 Desiring of, but terrified of, public speaking. 19:41 She almost lost her desire to live. 9:17 Fun-loving Malibu surfer's dad committed suicide. 10:00 Actor hasn't attracted her desired fun job. 3:22 Have I no obligation to the future? 3:44 Has strong desire to be an uplifter. 6:00 She has questions about her sexual dreams. 3:42 Abraham closes the North Los Angeles Workshop.
36:56 Do you enjoy having a new insight? 24:28 He wants to talk about intimate relationships. 11:10 To use her ability to create money? (Cont'd.)
(Cont'd.) 21:36 To use her ability to create money? 6:37 But what about the mistreated little children? 1:10 Does "karma" follow us through out lifetimes? 3:42 But what about children with birth deformities? 13:00 To not fear her fear of flying? 4:33 Has written children's story using Abraham's teachings. 14:00 How can realtor forgive his inconsiderate cousin? 1:30 Are backaches influenced by his inconsiderate cousin? 6:00 Lost nearly everything; regained it; now what?
11:50 If "factoring in" a property price drop? 3:14 Why would spiritual teachers discourage conscious thought? 3:24 Whatever feels good cannot be wrong. 4:05 Who can best guide my every step? 4:19 Is she too dependent on her healer? 4:22 A clearer perspective of the term, "generosity"? 1:20 Should she forgive her clients their debts? 5:10 She has concerns regarding donating to charity? 12:00 Co-dependent/interdependent relationships and Law of Attraction? 15:41 She performs stand-up comedy in harsh environments. 3:38 Her biggest fear; hitting animals with car. 2:19 Why do different entities seem in contradiction?
6:00 Needs a lady to share his life. 2:30 Desiring of, but terrified of, public speaking. 19:41 She almost lost her desire to live. 9:17 Fun-loving Malibu surfer's dad committed suicide. 10:00 Actor hasn't attracted her desired fun job. 3:22 Have I no obligation to the future? 3:44 Has strong desire to be an uplifter. 6:00 She has questions about her sexual dreams. 3:42 Abraham closes the North Los Angeles Workshop.