4 CD Album, Oahu, HI 11/29/08
Code: F0845
Product Details
7:40 A "reality" was once a Vibrational Reality. 8:12 Law of Attraction means, like attracts like. 6:46 Every emotion you feel is your guidance. 7:26 But wasn't his lifetime already preplanned? 16:01 How can he get into the vortex? 3:01 Are his transitioned son and Mom watching? 4:00 Would giving up possessions make him happier? 8:01 But isn't suing unscrupulous business associates appropriate?
4:30 Can she help loved ones get this? 6:04 Writing "New York Times" Bestseller book? 8:29 Are her children advancing "against all odds"? 14:54 Son resists mother's "Sudbury Valley School" dream? 10:50 You can teach the children self-empowerment. 3:16 What does Abraham see as tithing's value? 4:36 How can she do what Esther does?
10:30 Will meditation connect her with Inner Being? 8:47 She wants to realign with evolving relationship. 8:54 Lover has an "ex" and three children. 4:12 What about when marrying into different culture? 12:17 Isn't there something special about Hawaiian spirituality? 2:24 What does "live in the now" mean? 4:12 What is his purpose here in Hawaii? 11:37 Must her clients continue using anti-depressants?
7:46 Was it witchcraft, or Karma Kopout? 8:11 What about those "crystal" and "rainbow" children? 6:20 He has questions regarding Abraham's "past physicality". 6:31 Why would God allow creatures to suffer? 2:20 Are humans responsible for their own suffering? 6:21 You came for fun, not to overparent. 3:31 Her "Social Worker" husband needs no fixing. 3:24 Others can benefit by your "alignment" examples. 15:42 She struggles to be a people pleaser. 7:10 Abraham closes the Oahu Hawaii Workshop.
7:40 A "reality" was once a Vibrational Reality. 8:12 Law of Attraction means, like attracts like. 6:46 Every emotion you feel is your guidance. 7:26 But wasn't his lifetime already preplanned? 16:01 How can he get into the vortex? 3:01 Are his transitioned son and Mom watching? 4:00 Would giving up possessions make him happier? 8:01 But isn't suing unscrupulous business associates appropriate?
4:30 Can she help loved ones get this? 6:04 Writing "New York Times" Bestseller book? 8:29 Are her children advancing "against all odds"? 14:54 Son resists mother's "Sudbury Valley School" dream? 10:50 You can teach the children self-empowerment. 3:16 What does Abraham see as tithing's value? 4:36 How can she do what Esther does?
10:30 Will meditation connect her with Inner Being? 8:47 She wants to realign with evolving relationship. 8:54 Lover has an "ex" and three children. 4:12 What about when marrying into different culture? 12:17 Isn't there something special about Hawaiian spirituality? 2:24 What does "live in the now" mean? 4:12 What is his purpose here in Hawaii? 11:37 Must her clients continue using anti-depressants?
7:46 Was it witchcraft, or Karma Kopout? 8:11 What about those "crystal" and "rainbow" children? 6:20 He has questions regarding Abraham's "past physicality". 6:31 Why would God allow creatures to suffer? 2:20 Are humans responsible for their own suffering? 6:21 You came for fun, not to overparent. 3:31 Her "Social Worker" husband needs no fixing. 3:24 Others can benefit by your "alignment" examples. 15:42 She struggles to be a people pleaser. 7:10 Abraham closes the Oahu Hawaii Workshop.