4 CD Album, Philadelphia, PA  5/17/07

4 CD Album, Philadelphia, PA 5/17/07

Code: F0716



Product Details

8:00 Are you enjoying your new expanding desire? 10:00 To understand your reason for being? 5:10 Your Vibrational Escrow is awaiting you downstream. 9:00 When in harmony with Source, you thrive. 13:10 Viewing your world through eyes of Source? 1:00 Relax, and expect, and watch for it. 19:20 Is she aligned with winning the lottery?
3:40 She had an exciting “Dear God” experience. 11:32 She has a personal chakra system description. 5:36 During meditation she sees images of people. 24:00 Still can’t see his long sought path. 15:56 He wants to play on a beach.
29:00 Am I responsible for unwanted climactic changes? 15:00 His brother needs his care for life. 7:37 To release her hindering (past-life) belief? 7:35 Should psychotherapist urge client to relive trauma? 4:00 To bring pain to others without feeling remorse?
6:27 You never soothe them by punishing them. 24:39 How could pre-teen manifest sexual abuse? 10:00 If children disappoint me, it’s my failure? 16:04 Does the school system value the child? 6:08 Can career activity be seen as fun? 2:00 Abraham closes the Philadelphia PA Workshop.