4 CD Album, Portland, OR 7/14/09
Code: F0926
Product Details
6:00 You were Nonphysical before you were physical. 8:46 Are you compatible with your Creative Vortex? 8:30 What if the Vortex spits you out? 38:00 At 66, she's had 20 uncomfortable years.
26:06 If he surprise-visits his estranged son? 7:00 How would Abraham define the term, thought? 4:00 Why is there "no crowd on the leading-edge"? 7:54 She's been reading about in-between lives. 4:40 To differentiate between ego and Inner Being?
7:36 To differentiate between ego and Inner Being? 7:22 Could seeing positive aspects attract unvortex people? 7:10 Does Esther Focus Wheel something every day? 4:00 In the Vortex, can he make requests? 2:00 What to do when awaiting producer's decision? 1:20 What's the answer to his unvoiced question? 9:41 The best way to avoid editing changes? 3:10 How to best resist her envisioned desires? 13:35 He came, he loved and he left.
2:38 She wants to manifest a global vision. 6:23 To feel invincible again, about his health. 9:22 Can we be both individual and united? 20:00 Isn't financial well-being part of his purpose? 0:30 Abraham closes the Portland OR Workshop.
6:00 You were Nonphysical before you were physical. 8:46 Are you compatible with your Creative Vortex? 8:30 What if the Vortex spits you out? 38:00 At 66, she's had 20 uncomfortable years.
26:06 If he surprise-visits his estranged son? 7:00 How would Abraham define the term, thought? 4:00 Why is there "no crowd on the leading-edge"? 7:54 She's been reading about in-between lives. 4:40 To differentiate between ego and Inner Being?
7:36 To differentiate between ego and Inner Being? 7:22 Could seeing positive aspects attract unvortex people? 7:10 Does Esther Focus Wheel something every day? 4:00 In the Vortex, can he make requests? 2:00 What to do when awaiting producer's decision? 1:20 What's the answer to his unvoiced question? 9:41 The best way to avoid editing changes? 3:10 How to best resist her envisioned desires? 13:35 He came, he loved and he left.
2:38 She wants to manifest a global vision. 6:23 To feel invincible again, about his health. 9:22 Can we be both individual and united? 20:00 Isn't financial well-being part of his purpose? 0:30 Abraham closes the Portland OR Workshop.