4 CD Album, San Antonio, TX 11/21/09
Code: F0947
Product Details
7:41 Contrast helps you to sharpen your focus. 7:04 You don_t control reality; you create reality. 9:00 On which reality are you focussing attention? 4:00 Giving them stuff won_t make them happy. 11:00 Some to-dos to get into our Vortices. 3:00 Unconditional love means you love them, anyway. 16:19 He shares _sanctuary_ with Dad_s negative television.
9:10 She wants to deliberately visualize positive images. 6:29 How can she fly with her Solomon? 8:30 She wants to better understand her body. 6:46 In dentist chair he had an epiphany. 2:00 Is not ego his only success blockage? 4:41 Will his ego survive after his death? 5:12 Timelessness, in a world of clocks and calendars? 8:03 From Adam_s Eden to races and nations? 8:00 Words for his obviously depressed cancerous friend?
10:52 Did suicide attempt affect his depression? 8:00 Thoughts of self-doubt manifested severe depression. 14:38 Are you super-sensitive about making decisions? 9:24 How can he relieve feelings of depression? 3:08 He appreciates Esther and Jerry as courageous. 6:52 How to accept substantial _unearned_ financial inheritance? 6:20 He wants to inspire more employee production. 7:20 At his age, must exercise cause injuries?
6:20 What do moods tell about our thoughts? 2:00 Is there a power in feeling forgiveness? 3:24 But what if murdering others felt good? 3:58 Is he kidding himself about feeling happy? 3:42 Would labelling something bad make it bad? 11:38 Feeling good while caring for dying sister? 15:14 From Detroit to India for affordable diapers? 5:18 How does appreciation attract differently than gratitude? 12:00 Why do recipients resent his financial charity? 2:15 How can he make this relationship stable? 1:00 Abraham closes the San Antonio Texas Workshop.