4 CD Album, San Diego, CA 8/23/03
Code: F0330
Product Details
35:00 Do it for the joy of it. 7:20 Wants emotional sensitivity to his Guidance System. 12:25 He forgets that he has Free Will. 11:11 Blending the desires of work and play. 5:00 But, others don't move fast as me?
12:46 But, others aren't moving fast as me? 7:00 Her only son lives in incredible drama. 2:00 He's a Vibrational Match to wrong relationships. 12:48 Leave your "family secrets" in the past. 2:06 Her skin condition is holding her attention. 3:54 Whale-being movie has brought her Well-being. 5:00 Has studied multiple philosophies, now do what? 4:00 Have the Abraham's ever been in physical? 4:30 Can we skip the incarnation process? 5:00 To not look back into the past? 15:00 Teacher finding joy in action society condemns.
7:00 Was overwhelmed with guilt, fear and shame. 7:00 He wants the experience of a bird. 6:00 Awakens from his sleep with a headache. 9:40 But, choosing the correct, from many paths? 7:10 To see the Divine in every person? 3:00 Are all Nonphysicals as delightful as Abraham? 15:00 She's optimistic, but doesn't feel happy. 1:00 Energetically, do we carry our ancestor's cells? 11:40 Can she avoid repeating past auto accident? 4:40 What health problem is causing skin rash? (Cont'd.)
(Cont'd.) 18:40 What health problem is causing his rash? 3:25 How hard should his mind push his body? 8:20 But, where does his rage come from? 8:00 But, to buy that very expensive house? 3:00 Were there ever any males on Venus? 8:50 Who really wants to attend that wedding? 4:00 Why is he so passionate about dinosaurs? 2:00 He makes his own recording contract breaks. 6:40 To know when her timing is right? 1:00 Has Abraham ever experienced a dinosaur's body? 0:30 Has Louis Hay ever been a dinosaur? 6:16 Studying New Thought evokes her Catholic guilt. 2:00 Abraham closes the San Diego, California Workshop.
35:00 Do it for the joy of it. 7:20 Wants emotional sensitivity to his Guidance System. 12:25 He forgets that he has Free Will. 11:11 Blending the desires of work and play. 5:00 But, others don't move fast as me?
12:46 But, others aren't moving fast as me? 7:00 Her only son lives in incredible drama. 2:00 He's a Vibrational Match to wrong relationships. 12:48 Leave your "family secrets" in the past. 2:06 Her skin condition is holding her attention. 3:54 Whale-being movie has brought her Well-being. 5:00 Has studied multiple philosophies, now do what? 4:00 Have the Abraham's ever been in physical? 4:30 Can we skip the incarnation process? 5:00 To not look back into the past? 15:00 Teacher finding joy in action society condemns.
7:00 Was overwhelmed with guilt, fear and shame. 7:00 He wants the experience of a bird. 6:00 Awakens from his sleep with a headache. 9:40 But, choosing the correct, from many paths? 7:10 To see the Divine in every person? 3:00 Are all Nonphysicals as delightful as Abraham? 15:00 She's optimistic, but doesn't feel happy. 1:00 Energetically, do we carry our ancestor's cells? 11:40 Can she avoid repeating past auto accident? 4:40 What health problem is causing skin rash? (Cont'd.)
(Cont'd.) 18:40 What health problem is causing his rash? 3:25 How hard should his mind push his body? 8:20 But, where does his rage come from? 8:00 But, to buy that very expensive house? 3:00 Were there ever any males on Venus? 8:50 Who really wants to attend that wedding? 4:00 Why is he so passionate about dinosaurs? 2:00 He makes his own recording contract breaks. 6:40 To know when her timing is right? 1:00 Has Abraham ever experienced a dinosaur's body? 0:30 Has Louis Hay ever been a dinosaur? 6:16 Studying New Thought evokes her Catholic guilt. 2:00 Abraham closes the San Diego, California Workshop.