4 CD Album, San Diego, CA 9/19/09
Code: F0935
Product Details
4:40 Limiting your contrast will limit your creations. 6:00 First and foremost, you are Vibrational Beings. 7:00 Is Abraham's Vibrational Reality another "fairy tale"? 5:03 You can't lead children from behind. 8:08 Law of Attraction is managing your Vortex. 6:00 Does our language always convey our beliefs? 8:40 Could the Nonphysical exist without "The Times"? 6:31 He is questioning the existence of "purity." 7:28 The internet and the Law of Attraction. 4:35 How to know when to stop reaching?
5:00 Are women generally more happy than men? 3:20 Can he realign with his pre-birth intents? 2:53 Does the f... word have a vibration? 4:00 Why weren't Jerry and Ether Arabian born? 8:32 He has recently decided to feel good. 8:28 Was this elderly man fearing a mugging? 2:20 Playing his drums makes him feel free. 12:20 Should he set some new business goals? 11:58 Is reincarnation a form of recycling?
9:30 Is all Energy directed by our Consciousness? 20:50 She wants that beautiful relationship to return. 7:00 She feels somethings lacking regarding her business. 6:08 She is now considering birthing a baby. 3:00 She feels unified with her transitioned friend. 7:07 He wants to be more like Jesus. 2:00 Can Abraham speak Spanish through Esther Hicks? 14:0 She wants to talk about menopausal limitations.
7:41 Simple words to align with your Vortex. 7:32 She is sometimes feeling very discouraged. 8:10 She is sometimes feeling very frustrated. 10:46 She is sometimes feeling baseless fear. 5:14 She wants more happy Abers around her. 8:18 Can she earn a living awaiting alignment? 3:30 Feeling ashamed that she hasn't accomplished more. 4:20 Felt a mix of trust and betrayal. 13:51 She can't share beliefs with her children. 3:06 Abraham closes the San Diego, California Workshop.