4 CD Album, San Francisco, CA 8/9/09
Code: F0932
Product Details
9:07 Feel good now about your perceived future. 3:30 Can you have faith in the Universe? 5:20 Your Vortex contains the joyous future you. 4:44 Law of Attraction: the most powerful force. 6:00 The Art of Allowing your Creative Vortex. 14:00 Is fiancee blocking their NYC adventure? 10:00 She wants her move to be easy? 11:00 Is she living with the wrong husband?
14:12 How to align himself with less work? 14:06 She feels painful passion about saving turtles. 6:00 Is her dad actually seeing deceased mom? 13:00 Meditation brings her a wave of emotion. 3:00 If death's so good, why not suicide?
4:00 If death's so good, why not suicide? 2:35 When Abraham speaks of creating new worlds? 1:10 How long before deceased reincarnate to Earth? 2:00 Do deceased friends still think of her? 4:35 She felt propelled into the outer Universe. 2:38 Any meaning to observing same number repeatedly. 23:15 Could his gayness be affecting his ankle. 8:30 Were Jerry and Esther asking for Abraham? 5:30 How do Reiki healing and symbols work? 6:00 Her Christian beliefs have cost her friends.
7:20 Does Esther bring Abraham from her Vortex? 21:20 When cocreating with a self-destructive drug addict? 11:24 A Focus Wheel for her drug-addicted son. 4:33 Without meds, his chronic pain just lifted. 12:00 He broke his lover's heart, once again. 3:42 Abraham closes the Sunday San Francisco Workshop.
9:07 Feel good now about your perceived future. 3:30 Can you have faith in the Universe? 5:20 Your Vortex contains the joyous future you. 4:44 Law of Attraction: the most powerful force. 6:00 The Art of Allowing your Creative Vortex. 14:00 Is fiancee blocking their NYC adventure? 10:00 She wants her move to be easy? 11:00 Is she living with the wrong husband?
14:12 How to align himself with less work? 14:06 She feels painful passion about saving turtles. 6:00 Is her dad actually seeing deceased mom? 13:00 Meditation brings her a wave of emotion. 3:00 If death's so good, why not suicide?
4:00 If death's so good, why not suicide? 2:35 When Abraham speaks of creating new worlds? 1:10 How long before deceased reincarnate to Earth? 2:00 Do deceased friends still think of her? 4:35 She felt propelled into the outer Universe. 2:38 Any meaning to observing same number repeatedly. 23:15 Could his gayness be affecting his ankle. 8:30 Were Jerry and Esther asking for Abraham? 5:30 How do Reiki healing and symbols work? 6:00 Her Christian beliefs have cost her friends.
7:20 Does Esther bring Abraham from her Vortex? 21:20 When cocreating with a self-destructive drug addict? 11:24 A Focus Wheel for her drug-addicted son. 4:33 Without meds, his chronic pain just lifted. 12:00 He broke his lover's heart, once again. 3:42 Abraham closes the Sunday San Francisco Workshop.