4 CD Album, Seattle, WA 7/2/05
Code: F0525
Product Details
20:44 When someone’s rude, another preference is born. 19:36 Are you living your truth, or theirs? 5:40 Why would you retrace your negative steps? 9:30 She feels uncomfortable feeling children’s strong emotions. 11:47 But, her husband has different philosophical beliefs.
5:45 Has flying, swimming, teaching, feeling-lost dreams. 3:34 Are her “power animals” of healing value? 3:05 Should she not wear the?“protective” symbol? 30:10 To do to relieve her aching stomach. 15:34 He has been unemployed for seven months. 9:00 How many desires does one dare launch.
6:00 Do they really “fear” their future success? 3:30 Are future lives controlled by prebirth agreements? 2:00 How does her Archangel compare to Abraham? 4:00 Is there a hierarchy amongst the Angels? 8:32 Our Earth is perfect; it isn’t flawed. 5:15 What is the value of an aura? 4:22 Are “rare” mystical experiences really that rare? 1:45 The purposes of meditation and of prayer? 6:21 She has questions about some religious terminology. 11:00 Was releasing restrictive relationship his true path? 8:08 Has been struggling with gender identity. 5:32 To do with his uplifting new invention?
14:18 An encounter with an illusionary yellow motorcycle? 13:51 She envisions solutions to national welfare system. 14:42 Feel insignificant relative to all those galaxies? 19:40 Relationship between her, her husband, and GOD? 6:00 Abraham closes the Seattle Washington workshop.
20:44 When someone’s rude, another preference is born. 19:36 Are you living your truth, or theirs? 5:40 Why would you retrace your negative steps? 9:30 She feels uncomfortable feeling children’s strong emotions. 11:47 But, her husband has different philosophical beliefs.
5:45 Has flying, swimming, teaching, feeling-lost dreams. 3:34 Are her “power animals” of healing value? 3:05 Should she not wear the?“protective” symbol? 30:10 To do to relieve her aching stomach. 15:34 He has been unemployed for seven months. 9:00 How many desires does one dare launch.
6:00 Do they really “fear” their future success? 3:30 Are future lives controlled by prebirth agreements? 2:00 How does her Archangel compare to Abraham? 4:00 Is there a hierarchy amongst the Angels? 8:32 Our Earth is perfect; it isn’t flawed. 5:15 What is the value of an aura? 4:22 Are “rare” mystical experiences really that rare? 1:45 The purposes of meditation and of prayer? 6:21 She has questions about some religious terminology. 11:00 Was releasing restrictive relationship his true path? 8:08 Has been struggling with gender identity. 5:32 To do with his uplifting new invention?
14:18 An encounter with an illusionary yellow motorcycle? 13:51 She envisions solutions to national welfare system. 14:42 Feel insignificant relative to all those galaxies? 19:40 Relationship between her, her husband, and GOD? 6:00 Abraham closes the Seattle Washington workshop.