4 CD Album, Sedona, AZ 8/27/06
Code: F0633
Product Details
10:16 Why the Universe hears no as yes. 10:00 If Life’s Stream is beating you up? 13:00 Does this choice feel worse, or better? 15:00 Successfully, make peace with where you are. 14:28 If he lets the Stream control conditions?
28:56 Traumatized Professor desires to maintain her tenure. 5:22 Do little extra-terrestrial Beings really exist? 18:36 How can mother best guide her children? 12:04 Is our Universe going to be disappeared?
8:10 How can (or do) Souls help us? 11:00 Can she trust those channeling within her? 6:30 Will we see people on other planets? 4:35 Are our dead relatives still in heaven? 7:27 When reborn, will he be Connected? 2:00 Are new Nonphysical Beings still being created? 2:36 What’s the age of our visual universe? 13:00 She wants to feel free of debt. 8:40 To apply meditation detachment to daily life?
14:00 She’s been dragging along her childhood trauma. 12:00 Release “anti-gay” religion, yet keep his God? 5:50 Healer questions the validity of his practice. 4:28 What is required to produce miraculous healings? 10:18 Feels guilt about husband’s inconvenient broken neck. 14:35 A “Make Peace with My Body” Process? 2:40 Abraham closes the Sedona, Arizona Workshop.
10:16 Why the Universe hears no as yes. 10:00 If Life’s Stream is beating you up? 13:00 Does this choice feel worse, or better? 15:00 Successfully, make peace with where you are. 14:28 If he lets the Stream control conditions?
28:56 Traumatized Professor desires to maintain her tenure. 5:22 Do little extra-terrestrial Beings really exist? 18:36 How can mother best guide her children? 12:04 Is our Universe going to be disappeared?
8:10 How can (or do) Souls help us? 11:00 Can she trust those channeling within her? 6:30 Will we see people on other planets? 4:35 Are our dead relatives still in heaven? 7:27 When reborn, will he be Connected? 2:00 Are new Nonphysical Beings still being created? 2:36 What’s the age of our visual universe? 13:00 She wants to feel free of debt. 8:40 To apply meditation detachment to daily life?
14:00 She’s been dragging along her childhood trauma. 12:00 Release “anti-gay” religion, yet keep his God? 5:50 Healer questions the validity of his practice. 4:28 What is required to produce miraculous healings? 10:18 Feels guilt about husband’s inconvenient broken neck. 14:35 A “Make Peace with My Body” Process? 2:40 Abraham closes the Sedona, Arizona Workshop.