4 CD Album, Sedona, AZ 8/30/03
Code: F0331
Product Details
12:00 Choosing anger is better than choosing depression. 11:19 I am making the best of it. 12:26 Who is really running my show? 3:00 Should she follow sales consultant's marketing advice? 9:00 Will my deceased parents still be themselves? 2:20 Her friend believes in his inevitable destiny. 13:49 Who's running the baseball pitcher's shows? 8:00 Is it ever okay to become infuriated?
9:45 How can he trust a distrustful manager? 4:30 Is the Universe setting up some lessons? 3:40 Do some die, to send a message? 6:28 My healthcare talent, or my art? 3:00 To know me, without knowing my past? 3:00 Is feeling grief both normal and natural? 3:30 What's a proper way to experience grief? 6:32 Should she ride bucking Stock Market alone? 3:21 Why didn't her brief partnerships work out? 2:00 How to tap into successful business concepts? 10:10 Has loving friendships, now wants a lover. 10:27 How do you feel about your smoking? 4:07 Her day's dreams don't match her nights. (Cont'd.)
17:15 (Cont'd.) Her day's dreams don't match her night's. 8:30 Can he regain his childhood spiritual Connection? 3:00 Would caffeine hinder his achieving spiritual Connection? 13:00 What if I hadn't chosen to grow? 6:49 To allow $10,000,000 in next four weeks? 2:45 At night, she feels an Abraham dialog. 10:26 Confused by blockage of her sexual energy. 10:30 She denied the disease, but died anyway.
5:30 Can anyone other than Christ heal self? 2:00 Were Sadaam and George in vibrational harmony? 5:00 Is she blocking connection with deceased Mom? 2:45 How to know Inner Being loves me? 8:00 Wants to teach others to love themselves. 2:30 Dreams, as a depiction of your creation. 6:30 She's seeking clarity regarding her "Automatic Writing". 2:40 She's considering a new career with horses. 8:00 Uncomfortably forces herself to interact with others. 1:45 Do we really remember past lives? 1:15 A question regarding "passed on" Thought Forms. 11:19 Her son ignores her requests for action. 3:00 She's about to make a career change.
12:00 Choosing anger is better than choosing depression. 11:19 I am making the best of it. 12:26 Who is really running my show? 3:00 Should she follow sales consultant's marketing advice? 9:00 Will my deceased parents still be themselves? 2:20 Her friend believes in his inevitable destiny. 13:49 Who's running the baseball pitcher's shows? 8:00 Is it ever okay to become infuriated?
9:45 How can he trust a distrustful manager? 4:30 Is the Universe setting up some lessons? 3:40 Do some die, to send a message? 6:28 My healthcare talent, or my art? 3:00 To know me, without knowing my past? 3:00 Is feeling grief both normal and natural? 3:30 What's a proper way to experience grief? 6:32 Should she ride bucking Stock Market alone? 3:21 Why didn't her brief partnerships work out? 2:00 How to tap into successful business concepts? 10:10 Has loving friendships, now wants a lover. 10:27 How do you feel about your smoking? 4:07 Her day's dreams don't match her nights. (Cont'd.)
17:15 (Cont'd.) Her day's dreams don't match her night's. 8:30 Can he regain his childhood spiritual Connection? 3:00 Would caffeine hinder his achieving spiritual Connection? 13:00 What if I hadn't chosen to grow? 6:49 To allow $10,000,000 in next four weeks? 2:45 At night, she feels an Abraham dialog. 10:26 Confused by blockage of her sexual energy. 10:30 She denied the disease, but died anyway.
5:30 Can anyone other than Christ heal self? 2:00 Were Sadaam and George in vibrational harmony? 5:00 Is she blocking connection with deceased Mom? 2:45 How to know Inner Being loves me? 8:00 Wants to teach others to love themselves. 2:30 Dreams, as a depiction of your creation. 6:30 She's seeking clarity regarding her "Automatic Writing". 2:40 She's considering a new career with horses. 8:00 Uncomfortably forces herself to interact with others. 1:45 Do we really remember past lives? 1:15 A question regarding "passed on" Thought Forms. 11:19 Her son ignores her requests for action. 3:00 She's about to make a career change.