4 CD Album, Sedona, AZ 8/31/02
Code: F0234
Product Details
34:40 I'm on a joyous path, to what? 19:42 Sometimes his desires are paired with fears. 3:26 What do synchronized numbers "align" me with? 3:06 Sounds easy when he hears it, but? 4:00 How can he revisit with Nonphysical family? 6:00 In nightmares, he's chased by fearsome bulls. 0:45 His friend hits birds when driving car. (Cont'd)
(Cont'd.) 12:00 Why are birds hitting his friend's car? 6:34 Is the "ego-in-natural-man" evil? 16:30 Retiree's worried about having financial worries later. 15:00 Fixing issues of abused women and children? 2:71 What are these Energies she's feeling here? 8:19 She thinks about God all the time. 12:44 What's up with his recent unusual illnesses?
10:35 Why haven't his seminars been attracting clients? 11:16 At what point do we become separate? 7:26 Will cluttered worldwide unrest not create "Armageddon"? 6:43 What forms of consciousness does our Soul take in Nonphysical? 6:55 Her loving friend prophesied his early death. 7:45 Are there many valuable forms of meditation? 15:43 She has concerns regarding their son's schooling. 5:17 In his dream, the clocks all stopped.
10:00 Something beyond his eyes seemed to see. 6:30 Is there only the "Stream of Well-being"? 8:22 Is this guiding, or controlling, teenage daughter? 3:29 When goal isn't achieved at deadline time? 3:51 Are they guardian angels, or guiding angels? 10:18 She didn't want to, but she did. 3:13 How would I recognized a Soul Mate? 9:29 Can she heal a fragment of herself? 6:40 But, if there are "anti-positive energies"? 3:15 Are the Old Souls not slow learners? 5:11 Boyfriend objected to placement of ceramic parrot. 1:13 Abraham closes the Sedona Arizona Workshop.
34:40 I'm on a joyous path, to what? 19:42 Sometimes his desires are paired with fears. 3:26 What do synchronized numbers "align" me with? 3:06 Sounds easy when he hears it, but? 4:00 How can he revisit with Nonphysical family? 6:00 In nightmares, he's chased by fearsome bulls. 0:45 His friend hits birds when driving car. (Cont'd)
(Cont'd.) 12:00 Why are birds hitting his friend's car? 6:34 Is the "ego-in-natural-man" evil? 16:30 Retiree's worried about having financial worries later. 15:00 Fixing issues of abused women and children? 2:71 What are these Energies she's feeling here? 8:19 She thinks about God all the time. 12:44 What's up with his recent unusual illnesses?
10:35 Why haven't his seminars been attracting clients? 11:16 At what point do we become separate? 7:26 Will cluttered worldwide unrest not create "Armageddon"? 6:43 What forms of consciousness does our Soul take in Nonphysical? 6:55 Her loving friend prophesied his early death. 7:45 Are there many valuable forms of meditation? 15:43 She has concerns regarding their son's schooling. 5:17 In his dream, the clocks all stopped.
10:00 Something beyond his eyes seemed to see. 6:30 Is there only the "Stream of Well-being"? 8:22 Is this guiding, or controlling, teenage daughter? 3:29 When goal isn't achieved at deadline time? 3:51 Are they guardian angels, or guiding angels? 10:18 She didn't want to, but she did. 3:13 How would I recognized a Soul Mate? 9:29 Can she heal a fragment of herself? 6:40 But, if there are "anti-positive energies"? 3:15 Are the Old Souls not slow learners? 5:11 Boyfriend objected to placement of ceramic parrot. 1:13 Abraham closes the Sedona Arizona Workshop.