4 CD Album, Sydney, AU 12/13/09
Code: F0953
Product Details
7:00 Why _reality_ isn_t really the real deal. 4:20 Emotions are indicators of two Vibrational aspects. 4:00 Every physical reality was once a Vibrational Reality. 6:15 Who-you-really-are is one who loves. 9:48 Why was Esther riding on her broom? 18:48 He has recently developed chronic fatigue syndrome. 6:00 Is focus too scattered to Segment Intend? 8:13 His friend_s water business needs more financing.
8:34 Can son-bearing mother attract a baby daughter? 12:06 How would Nonphysical appear to physical Beings? 3:22 Is there not a planetary climate problem? 1:24 Does Abraham need any friends or mates? 3:00 Is there an _Abraham quality control_ source? 1:44 Does Abraham ever slip out of alignment? 3:27 Can Buddha _Enlightenment_ be achieved this lifetime? 7:48 Could being in the Vortex protect family? 5:14 She has a question about _energetic healing._ 4:50 Was there a nightmare in her Vibration? 3:00 Why can sleeping sometimes mitigate migraine headaches? 10:00 Has recently transitioned Dad any physical message?
6:45 Have humans and beasts the same Source? 6:41 To distinguish between social and natural pleasure? 5:41 He can tell a new healthy diabetic story. 11:31 Why haven_t more of her goals manifested? 10:54 She_s been waking up a grumpy mother. 5:49 He has a question regarding feeling feelings. 4:14 What are those messages from his feelings? 7:45 What if we all had the same personality? 4:23 Seeking careers for high-tech high schoolers?
2:00 Does Abraham want help projecting these Teachings? 10:00 Is it noble to eat two-eyed creatures? 3:30 She was even enjoying cracks in concrete. 8:29 Does every topic have a Vibrational set-point? 3:49 Some questions about Abraham_s _buffer of time._ 7:14 Was his physical birth bravery or madness? 4:18 He_s had interesting telepathic dreams and meditations. 3:32 He has a question about _Spiritual Guides._ 1:37 Soul Mates, a connection with one_s self? 3:00 When Seth spoke of properties of time? 7:32 What happens when one decides to die? 10:00 Is talking to Abraham, talking to himself? 1:40 Abraham closes the Sydney Australia 2009 Workshop.