4 CD Album, Tampa, FL 10/12/07
Code: F0739
Product Details
9:00 When you asked, it then became. 3:30 Law of Attraction, and your natural evolution. 5:00 Letting go of your oars of resistance? 7:50 The Source within you always seeks improvement. 5:35 The meaning of her twitching right eye? 2:44 What is this warm glow he feels? 2:00 Does “closing the gap” feel physically good? 7:30 Transmitting thoughts of Well-Being felt so fulfilling.
19:20 To passionately create without resistance? 1:00 Most negative thoughts are about small things. 6:00 Seeing the world through eyes of Source? 5:40 Her close ones are preparing to croak. 18:02 She’s been searching, many years, for understanding.
7:11 The path of least resistance, or most allowance? 8:00 Her lovers all, painfully, cheat on her. 7:38 Why is she bothered by friend’s impulsive behavior? 9:16 How anger toward father changed the son? 5:50 What’s the difference in prophecy and attraction? 16:36 How can he know if paranoia’s valid? 2:00 What’s the mystery behind the “4:20” number? 4:25 Her audio book high doesn’t last. 5:32 Long range works out, but rocky present? 1:23 Are punished and punishers the same vibration? 4:03 Teacher and coach wants to utilize Abraham.
13:00 Is Abraham available in non-married male form? 10:25 Should he take a new Spiritual direction? 2:34 How are karma or destiny factored in? 2:00 How can he best use his gift? 9:40 Intentions and allowing vs. goals and allowing? 9:02 She found him, but he brings relationships. 11:31 She’s been struggling with arthritis for years. 2:00 Abraham closes the Friday Tampa, Florida Workshop.
9:00 When you asked, it then became. 3:30 Law of Attraction, and your natural evolution. 5:00 Letting go of your oars of resistance? 7:50 The Source within you always seeks improvement. 5:35 The meaning of her twitching right eye? 2:44 What is this warm glow he feels? 2:00 Does “closing the gap” feel physically good? 7:30 Transmitting thoughts of Well-Being felt so fulfilling.
19:20 To passionately create without resistance? 1:00 Most negative thoughts are about small things. 6:00 Seeing the world through eyes of Source? 5:40 Her close ones are preparing to croak. 18:02 She’s been searching, many years, for understanding.
7:11 The path of least resistance, or most allowance? 8:00 Her lovers all, painfully, cheat on her. 7:38 Why is she bothered by friend’s impulsive behavior? 9:16 How anger toward father changed the son? 5:50 What’s the difference in prophecy and attraction? 16:36 How can he know if paranoia’s valid? 2:00 What’s the mystery behind the “4:20” number? 4:25 Her audio book high doesn’t last. 5:32 Long range works out, but rocky present? 1:23 Are punished and punishers the same vibration? 4:03 Teacher and coach wants to utilize Abraham.
13:00 Is Abraham available in non-married male form? 10:25 Should he take a new Spiritual direction? 2:34 How are karma or destiny factored in? 2:00 How can he best use his gift? 9:40 Intentions and allowing vs. goals and allowing? 9:02 She found him, but he brings relationships. 11:31 She’s been struggling with arthritis for years. 2:00 Abraham closes the Friday Tampa, Florida Workshop.