4 CD Album, Tarrytown, NY 10/12/02
Code: F0242
Product Details
37:00 Does my illness allow others more wellness? 21:06 Got accident settlement, but now what? 9:30 Can she experience massive surgery in joy? 5:00 Her Virtual Reality, Hitler, Babies and Time.
3:20 To help friends feel great about themselves? 8:00 How can I stop my own resistance? 12:20 Interior designer's business momentum is flowing sporadically. 14:30 When able to sense a home's positive energy? 11:00 Singer, songwriter feels empowered and alive. 20:30 How can I "turn off my diabetes switch"? 1:34 How to have fun at life's buffet.
38:00 She wants 100 acres, to protect it. 23:00 To become tennis champion without early start? 13:17 Are there not boundaries to our happiness? 7:20 She dislikes "cold calling" to get clients. (Cont'd.)
(Cont'd.) 4:50 She dislikes "cold calling" to get clients. 15:30 Time to stop fixing, and start savoring. 4:31 So, are we becoming more Inner Beinglike? 3:41 What are Nonphysical Beings able to see? 4:28 What, exactly, do Nonphysical Beings do? 27:00 Teacher wants to inspire apathetic sixth graders. 8:15 To recover from former lover's sudden transition? 3:39 The basis of my life is freedom!
37:00 Does my illness allow others more wellness? 21:06 Got accident settlement, but now what? 9:30 Can she experience massive surgery in joy? 5:00 Her Virtual Reality, Hitler, Babies and Time.
3:20 To help friends feel great about themselves? 8:00 How can I stop my own resistance? 12:20 Interior designer's business momentum is flowing sporadically. 14:30 When able to sense a home's positive energy? 11:00 Singer, songwriter feels empowered and alive. 20:30 How can I "turn off my diabetes switch"? 1:34 How to have fun at life's buffet.
38:00 She wants 100 acres, to protect it. 23:00 To become tennis champion without early start? 13:17 Are there not boundaries to our happiness? 7:20 She dislikes "cold calling" to get clients. (Cont'd.)
(Cont'd.) 4:50 She dislikes "cold calling" to get clients. 15:30 Time to stop fixing, and start savoring. 4:31 So, are we becoming more Inner Beinglike? 3:41 What are Nonphysical Beings able to see? 4:28 What, exactly, do Nonphysical Beings do? 27:00 Teacher wants to inspire apathetic sixth graders. 8:15 To recover from former lover's sudden transition? 3:39 The basis of my life is freedom!