4 CD Album, Tarrytown, NY 10/17/09
Code: F0940
Product Details
7:12 Why does judging "badness" feel so bad? 4:29 Every cellular Consciousness asks for improvement. 7:00 It's the new idea that calls you. 8:36 The emotions you feel are manifestational indicators. 6:25 You have two specific points of expansion. 5:00 He is asking who-he-really-is? 6:08 Can his meditations change his beliefs? 10:33 What should he do with his life? 4:36 Has the Abraham entity increased in size? 7:20 How do his beliefs affect his emotions?
21:03 Businessman still has an issue with abundance. 7:32 Is there a worldwide history of forgetting "Truths"? 4:47 Do some parents level with their children? 2:03 A technical question about Abraham's languages? 1:09 What is the value of "logical thinking"? 10:40 When in the flow, she receives inspiration.
10:00 Her "time" deadlines can be most overwhelming. 8:13 Only affirm when in the Vortex. 6:00 Any "shortage" is an illusion of reality. 7:25 What are the cooperative components of the issue? 12:31 There is no "struggle" in Abraham's teachings. 3:16 Abraham prefers our feeling appreciation over meditating. 17:10 She has been divorced for eighteen years.
6:20 Does "wave addition" affect Law of Attraction? 5:10 Can you dream beyond mechanical/digital power? 6:17 Your technology will always be growing forward. 3:36 Will he outgrow his pleasant "choked-up" feelings. 7:43 He just wanted "we" to call on him. 7:06 Death is not unconsciousness, it's super-consciousness. 11:09 There is no reason to fear death. 4:32 Will he have an individual Nonphysical Consciousness? 11:19 He has questions about shared empathetic emotions. 0:20 Abraham closes the Tarrytown NY Saturday Workshop.